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    Far Cry 6

    Game » consists of 2 releases. Released Oct 07, 2021

    Far Cry 6 takes place in a tropical country known as Yara, which is ruled by a dictator who has instigated a revolution.

    This game rules

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    After the paint by numbers, constant conflict we had in 5, this is a breath of fresh air. It's almost Reminiscint of 2 in the way that you can exist in a city without engaging in a constant gunfight by holstering your weapons. The options you have to approach each situation feel significantly improved without the worry of being constantly attacked.

    The presence of loot initially upset me, but the bonuses for each piece of armor are separate, and not simply a number higher than your last pieces. Currently wearing. Parkour legs that give you extra speed, a helmet that gives me immunity to gas, etc. Almost breath of the wild style gear.

    The driving feels faster and snappier, and the allies are fun and silly ways to engage once things go loud. The world itself is huge, but not overly dense like AC Odyssey, just lots of space to utilize the instantly deliverable vehicles or various aircraft. You will find yourself riding a horse, with weapons customized for specific enemy types in your arsenal.

    This is a sandbox like all far cry games, but the sense of place and pace set it apart. Give it a shot if you're fatigued by far cry but used to love it.

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    I'm having a lot of fun with it even though occasionally I do get a little bogged down by just how much it's just Far Cry again.

    But after 5 chased me away with just truly oppressive cringe it's been nice to have fun in that style of game again.

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    I'll just piggback onto this in the event people read this and have some Far Cry thoughts to share:

    I havent played Far Cry since 3 - a lot of the criticism on these games I've seen seems to be that they're a bit derivative of each other but I dont suspect that'll be a problem for me as its been... idk 10 years since i last played one?

    I'm in the mood to pick up one. Which would you all recommend; 4, 5 or 6?


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    @junkerman: If you want to save some money then FC4 is good and is probably real cheap right now. If money is not an issue and you have a great PC/Next-Gen Console then might as well get FC6.

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    As someone who has played basically all of them except for Primal and the Instincts sub-series: I'll get to this eventually, but I'm not in a rush.

    @junkerman: At this point, you either could assign numbers to 4, 5, 6 and Blood Dragon and roll a 20 sided die, or decide whether you want to shoot guns in the Himalayas, a mountain region North America, Cuba, or synthwave.

    This format also works for Assassins Creed.

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    I also have to say I'm enjoying it way more than I thought I would. I might actually just buy it. Right now I'm using Ubisofts subscription service, figure I can easily get through this in 2 months and spend a total of $30, but the extra stuff outside of the main story is actually a good time so I can see myself going the extra mile.

    I don't remember much of 3-5, but I don't remember there being many cutscenes. And any that there were were just first person with a person talking to you.

    The story is actually surprisingly engaging, it's by no means the pinnacle of story telling but I'm liking the characters so far as well as Dani herself.

    I also actually like what they did with the weapon system and on Pc at least it's not as clunky as i thought it'd be. It's nice to be able to switch weapons on the fly without being set with a load out for a mission.

    I don't think I need another one of these next year, but gimme two years and a game with a similar semi serious semi dumb tone with similar mechanics and nice map, I'll probably be in.

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    #7  Edited By Sahalarious

    @junkerman: honestly I would to straight to 6, it's the best since then. They usually go on sale in November if you can wait a bit too

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    @reap3r160: I'm surpisingly engaged with the story too, the characters aren't as intentionally dumb as recent games have devolved to. I'm excited to deepen my relationship with the sick old man that just chopped off a gator head

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    It's . . . fine. Which could honestly be the review of just about any Ubisoft game these days. Their titles are one step forward, one step back.

    I actually like what they're doing with the story with what little I've seen of it. It's resisting the urge to be in-your-face ridiculous like a lot of prior Far Cry titles, which I appreciate. Having a voiced protagonist also helps give a little more heft to your character, even if I think the voice acting isn't all that good.

    That said, the traversal and absolutely exhausting collect-a-thon nature of if is really bumming me out. For how large the map is, moving around is an absolute pain in the ass. The default run speed is frustratingly slow while all of the vehicles control like ass. The fall damage is ridiculously stupid and don't even get me started on trying to figure out why this waist-high object I can jump over but not that waist-high object.

    As far as the itemization goes - none of it thrills me? I kinda don't think most of it should be in there at all. The armor perks are extremely minor and don't generally give me things I would be excited about (greater move speed after sliding - hooray?). So far, the weapons don't feel that much different from one another and I find the workbench stuff an interesting idea but tediously implemented - I am absolutely sick to death of having to change ammo types constantly.

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    #10  Edited By Efesell

    @therealturk: There's a gear set available in the shops early on that I think effectively doubles your movement speed and gives you a speed boost after sliding. You might run faster than some vehicles in that set.

    As for ammo types... just put AP on everything the game likes to say use the right tool blah blah but AP ammo headshots kills everything except like unique animals.

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    @efesell: Same, and I see a bunch of reviews complaining about bullet sponge enemies.

    I usually start off most engagements with the M14 and you can crouch run(with the supremo mod) through a camp and just one tap everyone. Even the heavies/riot shield guys.

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    I'm enjoying the game, but in general this kind of thing is beginning to bug me in games, maybe it's too much outsourcing, maybe it's a language thing, but I know we have terms for things that come after primary. Why are there 3 "primary" weapons. Like we all know what they mean but really.

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    Really enjoying this but two things annoy me. Third person view in camp because you cant jump anything in your way.

    The other is the enemy spawning over and over in an area that is clear.

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