Filter on User Activity area.

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#1  Edited By Dixavd

Would you guys like the option to choose what appears on a User's Activity space on their page? For instance, being able to tick a box to only show that User's last posts on forums rather than also seeing achievements they have unlocked, wiki-posts they have had accepted and quests they have completed. I would like this because sometimes I am looking for a specific forum (one that I can't quite remember the name of and can't seem to find when I search for it) but sometimes I remember a specific person commented on it (usually if it was a staff member or mod then I will remember) and try to go to their page to see if I can find it through their but it has been overrun by all the other posts.

It wouldn't be much of a problem if the Activity page wasn't as short but with it being limited then I find lumping all of it together on that screen makes it a sort of no-go area and not very useful. I personally would like this to be looked at when the new site goes up (obviously it isn't a priority but it is still a minor thing that seems like a waste of space on the site at the moment).

What do you guys think? And are there any other things on User Pages which you want to be looked at?

(Sorry if there is already a topic for this, I tried searching for it but I couldn't find it. Maybe the sites Forum Search should be changed to make it more user-friendly or something - possibly having the option to only see the titles of forum topics that mention what you are searching for inside so that more can be seen on screen at once, meaning you don't have to scroll down a long time to see multiple results, and that the extra time it takes to load pictures and videos that appear in post results don't take so long).

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#2  Edited By defe

Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, that's already something that you can do. If you go to someone's user page, above the User Activity section there's a set of clickable tabs. It's set to summary by default, but next to those there's tabs for stuff like forum posts and quests. For example, I can go to your page and see that you last posted in the "Missing Patrick on the Bombcast" topic by clicking on the Forums tab on your page. I can then go all the way back to your first post about New Year's Eve if I want.

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#3  Edited By Dixavd

@DEFE: Wow. I've been so dense for so many years.. -.- I just thought those showed the ones they created (like how the Lists only shows the ones they made and not the ones they have commented on). And yet now that I realise those things are there, I don't see the point of the Activity page being there as well. But man I can't believe I have completely ignored the Forum tab thing for so long (I must have at one time clicked on them and then made a quick judgement on them and then totally ignored them other than specific things like the achievements tab and things.

Edit-- If a Mod see's this, they can lock it if they want. I just had a stupid moment.

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#4  Edited By Dagbiker

I want to see more statics on Achievements .

Like the most Achieved, Achievement. - This would probably be the easest Achievement in gaming.

Or The most Achieved, Achievement that You dont have. - This would be the easet Achievement that you dont have.