How much will the crew hate Shenmue 3

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Poll How much will the crew hate Shenmue 3 (89 votes)

They will crap on its controls/datedness/graphics/fans the entire video 17%
They will see its faults and still say its fine for fans 31%
They will like it and overlook it not playing like red dead 2 in graphics and realism due to budget 4%
The game will be an unexpected hit with one staff member even fighting for 10 spot in GOTY due to the charm it had in 90s hitting them. 11%
No one likes shenmue 21%
reviews are decent so I dont care cause i like shenmue 2%
None of the above 12%

I was dreading the day this game would get a quick look on gb since most got a huge bad impression from the prior walkthrough. Its really a time and place game and tons of my 90s buds are happy its reviewing well. Surprised reviewers didnt put it to current standards since its a game trying to be what fans wanted. Like how borderlands 3 isnt destiny to appeal to changing their formula, the old 90s and 00s games know their targets and i hope the team doesn't get too frustrated about the game being slower paced. Even though kojima got hate for saying americans are basically more interested in faster paced shooter like games he's not entirely wrong when you compare the pace of japanese rpgs etc or movies from foreign countries to our 15 mins in explosion fest or hip music with quip to show the movie is fun, stuff. excuse english not first language.

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I bet it gets some shit, if it’s really a new Shenmue with all it’s 2000-era trappings.

If the whole walk around waiting for time to pass thing is still there, I might skip this one.

I loved Shenmue, but who has time for that?

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#2  Edited By Onemanarmyy

that screenshot that Dan posted about how the game tells you to just hit some buttons (some sort of minigame i assume) doesn't sound all too promising.

Like these games are very much about being in that place and following the story. Things that don't play well in a quicklook. Some will love that, some will bounce off it immediatly. A game like Yakuza widens it's audience by introducing a bunch of wackiness in the game & being based around a more videogamey beat & em up gameplay.

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@onemanarmyy: You’d think Shenmue 3 would basically be a Yakuza game.

There’s a charm to sticking to your roots, but Shenmue probably hasn’t aged great.

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The flipside to that is that nobody's really done a Shenmue since then. There is a definite execution to it I don't think anybody has landed on. It's like GTA was the one everybody aped which leaves Yu Suzuki free to do another one.

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@nutter: @shindig@onemanarmyy After playing the game i can officially state the gb team will hate the game. Its like shenmue directly for fans. ITs mimicking a time that is old on purpose 80s with 50s ideals on kung fu and old wise men teaching stuff etc. Its like the creator went into a time box and came out today. I'm more and more surprised how Sony kinda lets creators do what they want. Maybe japanese businesses are ran differently cause i feel like american studios would have a big wig who doesn't play games yelling to make ryo use a gun and cover mechanics and throw in battle royal or something. (Death stranding american version would be super appealing for those reasons but more generic ha). The shenmue game well it feels like it was a sequel released a few years after the dreamcast shenmue 2. All this is great for me and fans. I didn't want yakuza cause well i got plenty of that. I wanted shenmue. Also never believed in or brought the whole shenmue should turn into yakuza. I think we can have both.

With death stranding and shenmue i think we're turning into a new era of gaming where things are slowing down a bit and letting people breath. Hopefully devs won't be afraid that well look at our phones or get bored if they give us slower stuff between the fun battle royal or money maker service games you can play semi auto pilot with a nice podcast running. Really enjoy gaming lately with all the mix of genres. Kickstarter and sony are really helping these niche games see some eyeballs even if they will only appeal to very few.

I think shenmue works like borderlands 3 in that the fans are mostly 90s or 00s kids that are tired of the trendy service games and other stuff to make games more fun yet too harmonized. Dark souls mechanics heavy grinding raids, etc. Those things are fun but not appealing in a back to basics shenmue. Now the 4 may need to push things and modernize but keep the same charm ie esoteric dialogue, hilariously serious script, old town feel of 80s, good boy ryo, old hobos teaching you how to hit trees like an old action subtitle kung fu movie. etc.

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I could see Dan going all in on this one

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@topcyclist: I don't think it has anything to do with Japanese vs American companies

When Japan wants to make , they make money. That is one of the reasons why stuff tends to skew "pervy": it increases sales

Shenmue and Death STranding and The Last Guardian aren't/weren't meant to sell games. They were meant to sell consoles. EVERYBODY plays CoD/Fortnite/whatever and it doesn't matter what platform they play it on. And up until recently, if you wanted to play with your friends you needed to buy their platform. So for the folk who just want CoD and Madden they don't care what they own. But their friends really need the best platform for Dark Souls or Metal Gear or Ico or whtaever.

So if a game only sells "okay" that is fine if it means a significant number of folk bought into the console to play it.

Time will tell if this model continues as cross play becomes more and more ubiquitous.

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#8  Edited By Rabidlamb


@shindig said:

The flipside to that is that nobody's really done a Shenmue since then. There is a definite execution to it I don't think anybody has landed on. It's like GTA was the one everybody aped which leaves Yu Suzuki free to do another one.

Isn't the Yakuza series basically just Shenmue done right?

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Ok i get your point. I saw games like shenmue, last guardian, death stranding, kingdom hearts, etc to be real nice in all but for an american big business man, i expected a chuckle and a forced mandate to make it more like ___ game. This is actually a fault many devs fall for but to your point if the systems sell on exclusives and have the major games on all platforms then being different and niche is exactly what you want. Plenty of non fans will scoff and say the games are trash but it will get that few that will buy the system and join the ecosystem for their niche taste. I know my mother for example doesn't like super popular twitch shooters or what people would say is "good" gameplay but she enjoys some slower paced unique stuff that abby plays on the site sometimes. Your point stands up with how nintendo still reigns when they almost always lag behind in graphics and controls but have mario and other stuff that's really polished but comes out like 2 x each system. Nintendo has the best of both worlds cause their games are singular but popular. Shenmue not so that you wont see COD money but it hits fans. Still surprised the dev made it so similar in tone to the old game given he knows what gamers play today. not sure if i can give kudos for sticking to your guns but well see. Fans seem to like it thou.

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@rabidlamb: in my opinion, yes. They are Shenmue except they are fun, the writing is fun and silly (on purpose), and the combat isn't a pixelated abortion.

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#11 Efesell  Online


@shindig said:

The flipside to that is that nobody's really done a Shenmue since then. There is a definite execution to it I don't think anybody has landed on. It's like GTA was the one everybody aped which leaves Yu Suzuki free to do another one.

Isn't the Yakuza series basically just Shenmue done right?

I think Shenmue is dumb and I don't like anything about it, so this has always been a fun joke to make.

But's only kind of true? Yakuza builds an actual game around the concept instead of tripling down on experimental nonsense. To me I think that is definitely "done right" but to an actual fan of Shenmue I can totally understand that it would be sort of side stepping what you might find super interesting about those games in the first place.

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The game absolutely nails being Shenmue so I can't see anyone being too negative about it even if it's not for them.

@nutter: there is an option to skip time and port you to where you need to be in situations whete you need to wait. I believe there also was that option in 2.

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@sarcasticmudcrab: It’s been so long that I barely remember, frankly.

I loved Shenmue 1 & 2 when they were released, though.

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Simple: if they know what to expect from a Shenmue game, they might love it, but if they're new to the series, they will definitely hate it.