Play some last gen game online

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Hey Duders,

I have recently been thinking about the shut down of the original Xbox servers. I remember when they announced that they were finally shutting down Xbox Live on the original Xbox. Even though I had not played on my Xbox for years, I felt a pang of sadness knowing that I would never be able to play some of those great online experiences again. I, and I am willing to be many of you, had so much fun playing games like Halo 2, Crimson Skies, and Splinter Cell online. I met friends, who I played with for years and have so many amazing memories from playing on that console.

Now I realize that we are probably a ways off before the 360 or PS3 gets the same treatment, but one day it will happen. I have also had some wonderful times playing on those consoles and it saddens me a bit to know that one day those gaming experience will also be closed to me. So I was thinking, and would like to gauge interest in, starting some sort of (for lack of a better world) club, in which some of us duders hop back onto our last gen consoles, choose a game that we have fond memories of, and recapture some of that magic before those servers are closed and lost to us forever.

I have not thought too much about the specifics of it. This post is mostly to just see if this idea is in anyway worth pursuing. I just personally think it would be cool to get back on some of last gens most fun (or maybe not so fun) games and recapturing the feeling we had when we first got to play them.

If this idea appeals to you, let me know and we can figure out what sort of games people would want to play and maybe get some sort of regular time frame in which these shenanigans can take place.

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#2 fisk0  Moderator

The some extent this has already happened. Most early PS3 (as well as PS2 and Wii?) games used Gamespy, which was shut down two years ago.

My favorite PS3 multiplayer game was probably MAG, which also was shut down in 2014.

There are still plenty of games that work though - but, yeah, it has already started happening.

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A lot of those early Xbox games had LAN components and if they do you can just set up a VPN with 15 other like-minded duders and just play like it's a LAN party.

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@fisk0: Mag was definitely on my mind while making this thread. It was the first PS3 game I bought (along with Uncharted 2) and I had a lot of fun playing it. It is unfortunate that those servers were shut down. This just further illustrates my point though. I would love to try playing what we can while we still can.

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I'd be up for it. You can use x link kai to play xbox, xbox 360 psp ps2 and ps3 games in Lan mode online for some games that have closed their servers.

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#7  Edited By fisk0  Moderator

@n00bs7ay3r: I was going to suggest Dust 514, but I just saw it too had been shut down just two months ago. Maybe not too surprising considering I was the only one in the Giant Bomb clan that had logged in for years, but still a little bummed out about that. It was by no means a great game, but after MAG's shutdown, it was the only console shooter that kinda scratched that same itch for me.

If Section 8: Prejudice is still playable online, I'd be up for that (though I'm pretty sure at least the official servers went down three years ago when Timegate filed for bankruptcy - but it may be possible to host player matches still, at least that seems possible in the PC version). Edit: Looks like the Section 8 servers were using GameSpy and are no longer available even for player hosted matches.

The free to play game Ace Combat Infinity had its moments too, though the micro-transaction model they have for that kinda makes it hard to play.

Oh right, if anybody owns Doom Classic Complete, I'd love to play some Doom 1, 2 or Final Doom deathmatch. I also own the Doom 3 BFG Edition, but the versions of Doom 1 and 2 don't have the expansions in that release.

I own all of the above for PS3 by the way, and my PSN ID is fisknoll (Europe).

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MAG was pretty decent. I bought the game when it was basically $1 along with SOCOM: Confrontation. Never got around to playing either until they announced the shut down, then I played the hell out of them in what little time remained. I actually loved the Section 8 games, too. I miss those kinds of big multiplayer matches that place heavy emphasis on teamwork with different classes, bases and such. I almost want to buy Prejudice for PS3 just to get trophies as an excuse to play it again with bots.

Anyways, I don't see the original Xbox or PS2 has being in a similar situation to the PS3 or 360. I think their online services will extend for quite a lot longer. Especially considering how many PS3 games Playstation Now uses. That's a long term program Sony has planned. Cutting the online access of those games probably wouldn't be the greatest idea at any point as long as people are using that service. Not to mention the online stores.

I guess what I'm saying is that by the time Sony shuts down the PS3 online service, which is probably well over a decade or longer away, most of these games will just be dead or have their servers shut down.

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yes i would

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If anyone has either of the Persona fighting games I'd be game to play those sometime.