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    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Aug 16, 2009

    A quirky twin-stick shooter with various weapons and a music track that mirrors the action. It has zombies, too.

    yummylee's I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMB1ES!!!1 (Xbox 360 Games Store) review

    Avatar image for yummylee

    A game that everyone should fork out the 80 MSP for

    A work of genius needn't be complicated and I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES!!!1  ((or easier typed as that equally cool and cheap zombie game)) is proof of that.  
    This ''cool zombie game'' caters to basically every type of gamer, its pure and straight to a gamers game. 
    What you see in the screenshots is literally what you get. Some person armed with an automatic whatever being surrounded by a seemingly never ending horde of ZOMBIES!!!1. As this person you are to simply survive racking up a high a score as possible, with friends to compete with or just to test your own zombie destruction skills. 
    Like you'd expect theres a good variety of weaponry to mow down the brain-whoring bunch from your standard assault rifle and shotguns to less orthodox weaponry like shooting stars and a laser. 
    The surprises with this game won't end with the type of firepower your given though. As you play through the game the world itself that is populated with zombies will change in accordance to the insanely catchy song playing in the background...well foreground seems more suited considering how much it connects with the gameplay. 
    As you go through witnessing your charmingly pixilated score go up, you'll notice the ground change to all sorts from a chessboard to an ultra-trippy colour-show. 
    Along with it to match the strange enviroments will follow with some equally strange enemies from the notorious ''snake'' best known from the mobile games to green goo that will disintegrate into small goo if blasted enough. 
    The game as a whole is pretty surreal with the theme tune that never seems to end and its constantly altering backgrounds. The choice of all text in the game being spelt in the ''hate it or tolerate it'' l33t speak too shows this a game with a personality that people will remember probably long after some of the mainstream games around. 
    This soon to be cult classic again should appeal to virtually everyone too. 
    Its got zombies, gore and guns bringing in all the gore-hound zombie-fetishists. 
    Its old school score based motivation to always giving it another go is sure to reel in the older gamers. 
    4 player coop!?! to which everyone enjoys. 
    The l33t speak alone is enough for some to just ''lol @ omgz dats huw i typ3!!'' 
    And further more being only 80MSP even the cheapest of games will find themselves adding it to their game library.
    Simple, fun and with an undeniable charm about it, this is the type of game that can have gamers forget about genres, poverty and Uwe Boll and has everyone just join together in a love for killing zombies while typing like a brainwashed gorilla trying to get to the top of the score-board all the while it costing basically nothing. 
    Consider it the Kumbaya of the gaming world.



    Other reviews for I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMB1ES!!!1 (Xbox 360 Games Store)

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           What can you get with a dollar? Well, if that dollar magically turns to 80 Microsoft Fun Bucks, then you can get I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMB13S 1N 1T!!!1. In this twin stick shooter, you play as one dude who goes against zombies, worms, bigger zombies, diamonds shaped crystals , and other stuff that have the sole purpose of killing you. To fight the zombies, from an eagle eye view, you have a machine gun, lasers, ninja stars, missiles, a better machine gun, and a flamethrower that are d...

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