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    Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Nov 13, 2007

    A squad-based shooter centering around the uneasy alliance between ex-military mercenary Adam 'Kane' Marcus and the psychopathic James Lynch.

    ashwyn's Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (PlayStation 3) review

    Avatar image for ashwyn

    A meh game with bad Camera and bad Dialogue

    Ok we all know of or have played Io Interactive’s Hitman series and for the most part found it pretty good for the most part, sticking with a similar Formula Io brings you Kane & Lynch a typical third person shooter that is in its very inhumane world Unique.

    First the good points:

    Blood and Gore:

    Although the core graphics are only acceptable to the Next Gen and especially the PS3’s standards the detail is defiantly shown when you shoot people up close and it splatters everywhere, Whether or not the developers meant to do this I doubt it but it was pulled off pretty well.

    However, although this part of the game is pretty good to look at, it dips a lot with the frame rate Issues and im sure you all know which console it shows up the most on…….

    That’s right the PS3 version.

    Voice Acting:

    For this part of the Game I’d say that around 80% of is it pretty Great especially for the Main Cast of the game, like Kane & Lynch as Kane sounds like how he should ( A Man who hates Lynch and just wants his life to end) and Lynch who also sounds like he should ( A man who thinks he’s all that) but with the good comes the bad and this game follows what a lot of games do and has different AI that look exactly the same (Like the police or for the most part your Henchmen) use the same voice or say the same Line every time you talk to then in game play.


    Ok When I first brought this game I thought there would properly be online co-op as well most next Gen games have however this is not true and according to Wikipedia there is no online Co-Op because of time restrictions and release sates!!!!

    So yet Another game that was rushed out to meet deadlines, but this isn’t all bad as the off line Co-Op isn’t all that terrible and its pretty much as you’d expect.

    Ok Now the BAD:


    I guess this can be classed as partly Co-Op as it mainly requires teamwork and tactical work as the objective is to work as a team to do a list of objectives through certain levels some levels may include bank robbing, Ransom, and killing rich people for money without getting killed. The interesting thing is people can turn on you at any time and kill you for your part of the money so you have to be on your toes at all time. Another thing is when your team does turn on each other and lets say, you get killing you respawn as a police officer to try and take down the ‘’ Fragile Alliance ‘’…. What you just read is how the online is meant to work which would be all ‘’fine and dandy ‘’ (sorry Forest Gump quote XD) if it weren’t the fact that as soon as you log in and start a mission instead of working together to get the money then turn traitor people just shoot you until there one left and then the mission ends I actually did this 5 times and used my watch to time how long the mission lasted and I counted 29 seconds.

    Make of this online mode as you will.


    As I said previously the Graphics are acceptable to next Gen standards so I could tolerate them for the most part except for the frequent choppy frame rate that is seriously bad about 2 hours into the game.

    Frequent ‘Fuck’ Reference:

    I personally think using swearing is a good thing in video games as it makes the game more realistic and more down to earth but in the beginning missions especially I think its used in every FUCKING sentence I mean Fucking hell you’d think these fucking people would just shut the fuck up XD.

    Basically its over used which makes the game more laughable than anything else.


    Apart from a few times in which the AI is actually good, the AI goes from Stupidly easy in some cases to Stupidly Hard and character models for the AI is also in most cases practically detailed e.g. Police BUT although being detailed its ONLY one character model and you’ll find yourself killing the same Police Officer over and over again.

    Overall Apart from an Interesting but Bad online experience Kane & Lynch Dead men doesn’t bring anything new to the Genre and sticks with what it knows which, Believe me Isn’t a lot.

    The Good:

    ·       Blood and Gore look great

    ·       Good Voice acting

    .        Not bad Co-Op

    The Bad:

    ·        Interesting but Seriously bad Online mode

    ·        Graphics don’t show what the PS3 can really do

    ·        Ridiculous use of the F word

    ·        AI is lacking


    Other reviews for Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (PlayStation 3)

      Decent Indecency. 0

      Developer Io Interactive is capable of creating an immersing tone and feel to their games, as previously seen with the Hitman series. Deep and twisted characters have always been an important factor. Nobody has come close to Agent 47's love of killing. I'm willing to bet that Io's newest duo, Kane and Lynch don't love killing as much, but they are just as sick and twisted. The best thing that Kane and Lynch has going for it is its well developed story. Kane and Lynch have really deep, interesti...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      A serviceable shooter that makes great use of its mature themes. 0

      Kane and Lynch: Dead Men is a sloppy and unattractive looking third person shooter. An unattractive and sloppy TPS that fortunately manages to still deliver a well done story with a pair of exceedingly memorable title characters.  Kane and Lynch through and through is a third person shooter. It has a few twists added in such as squad mechanics but overall it plays like many TPS's we've all gone through many a time before hand. The shooting isn't the best you'll find, but it's manageable enough t...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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