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Giant Bomb News


E3: What To Expect From Us

Here's what we'll be doing in LA next week.

Pictured: The Los Angeles Convention Center
Pictured: The Los Angeles Convention Center
OK, so I figured I should probably give you guys a quick rundown of things we'll be doing while we're covering E3 next week. You know, just so you know what to expect.

We're all heading down there tomorrow morning and getting in on Sunday night. There isn't too much happening that night, but I expect we'll manage to document at least part of the trip. Same deal on Friday, when we're driving back home.

We'll have full-on podcasts designed to recap the day's events on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We've lined up a handful of guests for those, some of whom you've heard on past podcasts, and some that you haven't. Due to the fast-moving and insane nature of E3, I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with three times as many guests as we planned or if no one showed up at all. It's absolute chaos. But considering we're in the same hotel as most of the people that were in that Age of Booty video, I have a feeling we'll be able to stir up some trouble at a moment's notice.

In addition to the audio wrap-up, we'll also be shooting video wrap-ups for each day of the show. We'll be at all three of the major press conferences as well as the EA and Ubisoft events. We'll be filming that stuff, so expect highlights from those to make their way into those wrap-up videos. We're not broadcasting any of that stuff live, in case you were wondering. There are a billion other sites doing that, so I don't really see the benefit in duplicating those efforts. Personally, if I were you, I'd watch G4, who will be broadcasting that stuff on actual television as well as streaming it live from their site. In fact, if you watch enough G4 during the show, you might just catch a glimpse of Brad on their stage.

All around the show, we'll be throwing stuff up on Twitter as we see fit. This will happen on the main @giantbomb account, not on our individual accounts. That should make it easier to follow what's we're up to. We'll also be recording a lot of little audio bits and uploading them from our phones. The microcasts that actually manage to be on-topic and about games will get pulled into stories on the site by Dave, who's holding down the fort while we're running around. We'll also throw these into the RSS feed for the podcast, so if you're subscribed to the podcast, you'll get the best of those, as well.

Here is an example that probably wouldn't get pulled over:


We'll be shooting interviews, looking at the show floor, and generally pointing cameras at anything that catches our eye. We'll also come off of the show floor every evening and, you know, start actually writing about games and telling you what we saw and how it looked. Vinny and Drew will be cutting video and posting it. Brad and I will be writing. Ryan will be drinking heavily and sobbing. We're booked to see some of the most exciting stuff and the most interesting people who will be at the show. If you're interested in a list of game names, here's my off-the-head list of things we'll see that I'm already excited about.

The list goes on and on. Really, it's kind of crazy. And it just proves that most publishers are taking E3 more seriously this year. It's a bigger deal, and it's happening earlier in the year than it has recently, meaning it's early enough to still announce games that will be coming out later this year. Without that flood of new game announcements, E3 would feel kind of pointless.

So that's the short version of how next week will go. If you're interested in the long version, I recommend reading this story twice. Come back tomorrow, when the fun will begin.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+