
Giant Bomb Presents

Giant Bomb Presents: Fredrik Wester and Susana Meza Graham

Austin sits down with the CEO and COO of Paradox Interactive to chat about the company's history and growth, storytelling through strategy games, and the state of labor conditions in the games industry.

Giant Bomb Presents is giantbomb.com's home for interviews, previews, and more.

Oct. 23 2015

Posted by: Austin

In This Episode:

Paradox Interactive AB

Episode Notes:

There's some audio weirdness because I needed to re-dub all of my questions, but it should be mostly okay! -Austin

Edit: Also, I originally posted this as "Giant Bomp Presents," which is why everyone in the comments is saying "bomped." I spent like five minutes thinking that was a phrase for messing up the audio and needing to redub it. Hilarious.