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#1  Edited By 29thInfantry

Greetings from the 29th ID,

In case you haven’t heard, the newest version of Darkest Hour: Europe ‘44-‘45 has just been [url=]released on Steam[/url]. As one of its largest communities, we’re happy to pronounce that it is the most realistic World War II first-person shooter on the market! We’re posting here to make sure you get the chance to try it out.

For those of you who haven’t tried it yet, Darkest Hour consists of:

•    Realistic Infantry Combat
•    Realistic Tank Warfare
•    Massive 200 sq. km. Levels
•    Para-dropping/Airborne landings
•    Various Transport Vehicles/APCs
•    Squad-based Combat & Proximity-based Communication
•    Live the D-Day Invasion of several beaches
•    64 Player Server Capacity
•    Controllable Artillery Strikes
•    Amazing Graphics

There’s so much more. The new mouth-watering [url=]trailer[/url] speaks for itself – definitely check it out. We’ve also put together a short [url=]page[/url] on our own elaborating on these features.

Darkest Hour is built on the game Red Orchestra, which is a similar game between the Soviet and German armies. Darkest Hour is free, but in order to play it, you must have Red Orchestra installed. Normally Red Orchestra costs fifteen dollars through Steam, but it is [url=]on sale[/url] until Monday 15 June to promote the release of DH.

That means that if you get RO before Monday, it will only be $4.99 – you can then download DH through Steam (it’s free). As far as I’m concerned, five bucks for two games is one hell of a deal.

Just to be clear, we are not affiliated with the developers or Steam – we are a 140+ member realism unit who want to get the word out about the release because it’s a great game. We’ve been playing the earlier versions for a year now and we look forward to you guys joining the DH community.

So while it’s still on sale:

•    Step 1. Watch the trailer:
•    Step 2. Get Red Orchestra for $4.99:
•    Step 3. Get Darkest Hour (free):

See you in Normandy!

[b]Major Wilson[/b]
[url=]29th Infantry Division[/url]
116th Regiment, 1st Bn
Battalion Commander