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Games from the DOS era

I was about in my early teens when DOS was dying out, but I still had my fair share of experiences, shutting down Windows and going into DOS to play some 'classics' even back then. Below is an amazing collage of the best DOS games. I tally about 20 or so that I played...but as more and more games were able to run reliably in Windows 95, I spent less time actually booting into DOS.

In fact some of these games I experienced when they were at their peak, albeit I played them on the Amiga 500. Lemmings, Beneath a Steel Sky and Syndicate are prime examples of these.

My favourites from the games listed below are Duke Nukem 3D, Quake and Realms of the Haunting (over 2 hours of FMV! - stunning for the time) - at that age, that game actually did haunt my dreams at times...more because I spent so much time playing it, than because it was particularly terrifying.

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