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A Week of Gaming - 21-4-12

Short blog this week. Nothing much happened and there isn't a great deal on my mind. I might do another blog during the week on a random subject...

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My opinion of the game hasn’t really changed much since last week. I’m still enjoying it. The battle system has continued to be satisfying. While the battles have been easy on the most part, I needed to level up for one of the boss fights. It was still a challenge, but it certainly helped.

Unlike Chrono Trigger, it doesn’t have the illusion of non-linearity. As mentioned, you can only travel to certain pre-determined points in time (nodes). This helps to make it clear where you might need to go to solve problems. There is some optional stuff here and there, but it seems to be limited.

I’ve also noticed the weapons and armour usually change all kinds of stats. While a weapon may be powerful, you’ll notice it may have detrimental effects. This has lead to me being very picky over swapping in weapons.

There’s a particular question I have that I’d like to have answered before the end, but I assume it will be going by the dialogue. I don’t really want to say anything just yet. If it remains unanswered, I’ll probably put it in a spoiler block when I finish the game. I’ve heard it’s about 34 hours long, so there’s every chance that I may have completed it by next week (I’m 19 hours in). It really depends on how much time I put into it.

Other Stuff

Not a great deal to say this week. I had a games night with some friends yesterday, but nothing I hadn't played before (although Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur IV are still a lot of fun to play). I've been only been playing RH during the week, so no other gaming activities to report on.

...I guess there's the new Lollipop Chainsaw trailer that came out. That still looks awesome. Just the kind of OTT goodness I enjoy.


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Chronopolis – Chrono Cross

It was a hard choice, but I finally decided to go with this track from Chrono Cross. Much like the location where you hear it, it’s full of mystery and gives you the impression that something of great importance is coming up.

This will not be the last Chrono Cross track I’ll mention. I can assure you that.

Green Hill Zone – Sonic The Hedgehog

This was always going to be in this feature at some point. As much as I never owned a Sega Master System or Mega Drive (Genesis), I have fond memories of playing Sonic it at other people’s houses. The music is pure nostalgia in a bottle for me.

Illusion In Me – Silent Hill: Origins

I think this track kind of sums up what the Silent Hill series is all about. The beginning of the game has a long walking sequence and this song is playing while you’re doing it. I thought it was a really cool way of doing the credits. It sets up the tone for the game nicely. Never completed it, though...

That's all for this week. As always, thanks for reading. Hopefully I'll have some more stuff for next week.