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Playing through more #forewarned right now! Come spelunking with us! 😂🤣

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I'm trying to avoid geeking out completely about the launch of Giant Bomb...

This site officially includes:

The BEST of what Gamespot *had* to offer (emphasis on HAD)

A wiki interface (WHO DOESN'T LOVE THOSE)

A slick and easy to work interface for adding those few missing bits to your favorite games

A GREAT sense of freakin humor!

AND a forthcoming editorial section from the best of the best when it comes to game reviews!

What's not to love? I followed closely the day I found out about the site and have been keeping my ear to the ground ever since. I'm so happy to see the site up and ready to roll and I can't WAIT for more awesome reviews, videos, and podcasts from all of the Giant Bomb staff.

Keep on rockin guys! My mind is officially blown ...