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  • Well did you did play... If you did you would know exactly why it's my number one. They fixed all the problems of the first game which was already amazing to make one of my favorite game ever. The story and the gameplay are superb

  • I'm a big fan of the arty games so its no wonder i have it on my list. Its a game that does so little to tell so much. And what it tells is a wonderful story.

  • The way Alan Wake integrates gameplay and story is amazing. The whole light mechanic is interesting and makes the game fell more unique. Making it a worth while experience.

  • Once you experience the joy of eating 30 ghosts in a row you would know what true joy is. This game is pure fun from every aspect of the game. The music excellent, the visuals neon greatness, and it plays better then any Pac-Man before it.

  • The world Rockstar created is breath taking. They spend time on the little details and it pays off to make the immersion of the western work. The story also has one of the most fulfilling ending in any game and will not be forgotten.

  • BOOM!!! The rush one gets when they just realized that the cover they are hiding behind just exploded into dust is one that never gets old. The campaign was fun and had a good since of humor, but the multiplayer is where its at. The destructible environments add a dynamic to no other multiplayer does.

  • Lets get this out of the way first I'm huge Halo fan. This is the best overall halo, Bungie achieved there goal in making the definite Halo game. A good single player campaign... Check. 4-play co-op through the campaign... Check. Firefight... Check. Amazing multiplayer... Check. Theater mode... Check. Forge... Check. Matchmaking that only Bungie could achieve... Check. And all of this is amazing and strung together so well, what else do you need.

  • Super Meat Boy is like being in a bad relationship. It start off good but, slowly becomes worse and worse. You want to leave but you stick around anyways. Super Meat Boy is kindof like that. This game is a kick in the balls, but its so much fun and I love for being so retro.

  • WOW...

  • Heavy Rain is the most unique game I have played this year. It tries to do things that no other game tries to even do. The way it tells its story is interesting and and ambitious. It falls flat in some cases but redeems its self through the way chooses matter.