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PAX thoughts, day 3

And now PAX has ended (rather unceremoniously if anyone saw the Omegathon final). Good year If I do say so myself. I didn't spend as much time on the show floor today to allow a friend to experience it for the first time, but perhaps that was a blessing in disguise, as after two days I was a bit burnt out. But enough about me, here are the rest of the games I got to today!  
Click to check out my PAX thoughts from days 1 and 2
Split Second: 
I don't want to be misunderstood; the demo was a ton of fun. I like to think of it as a more serious and realistic Mario Kart, since you can cause the drivers in front of you to crash in a fiery inferno under the right circumstances. It was a blast to tell you the truth. That said, I don't see it being worth 60 bucks. Perhaps its just because all there was to the demo was the driving itself (no menus or anything) but I didn't see a lot of depth to the game. I apoligize to the developers if I'm just talking out of my ass.  
Tekken 6: 
I really only stopped in on it because there was no line and I had a minute or two to kill, so I tried my hand at it, and it was Tekken as usual. Nothing ground breaking here (though Yoshimitsu was especially awesome looking).Its just more Tekken, which depending on the person could either be a good or bad thing. 
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny: 
Let me tell my story on this game first. When it was initially announced I was very excited about the prospect of playing Soul Calibur on the go. Then, over time, I started to have my doubts on how well it would control. I will be the first to admit that I ended up being very wrong. Soul Calibur for the PSP works and looks fantastic, and is worth a buy from anyone who has a PSP and enjoys fighters, or has a PSP and merely likes Soul Calibur. 
The Saboteur: 
Spent some good time with this game, and I love the freedom available to the player in it. From what I saw most all of it can either be played run and gun or stealth, and that aspect is like a good perfume to me. Something seemed a little off about it, but I'm not sure what it was, and it certainly wasn't game breaking. I'll be looking forward to a final version. 
Dead Space Extraction: 
The only thing I can say about this one is this: Soooo dissapointing. Perhaps I have been spoiled with Umbrella Chronicles, but this did not seem like a good on rails shooter. the enemies were extremely slow and could be made even slower with a press of the z button (as long as you weren't constantly using it, this ability never went away). Ammo was scarce, but it seemed less like a design choice, made to bring out more anxious feelings within the character, and more like a simple annoyance. The horror was there for sure, as I jumped in place at one point where an unseen enemy came out of nowhere, but the graphics aren't nearly up to the level that people made it sound like they were.  
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days: 
Another dissapointment, what I played of Kingdom Hearts was so ridiculously simplistic that even the beautiful environments couldn't persuade me from disliking it. Having not played other games in the series, I don't know what the combat was like, but I certainly hope it was more than simply doing the same three slices over and over again ad nauseum. There were magic spells too, but their use was limited, and didn't take away from the monotonous feeling. This is on top of learning that no disney or final fantasy characters will be in the game. The saving grace of this game is the good looks, but to me thats hardly a grace at all. 
 Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes: 
On the other end of the spectrum from Kingdom Hearts is this little game from Ubisoft that I got roped into demoing by a cute Ubi employee, which she described as a "more complicated Bejewled". I could tell early on that this one could be addicting. The game pits you and a group of soldiers on the bottom screen against the computer (or what I can assume would be a second player) and his soldiers on the top. you have three different types of soldiers (plus wizards and griffins occasionally) on a grid, and you line them up either horizontally or vertically in groups of three to progress in the game. vertical lines bring the three troops to the top of the bottom screen and prepare them for attack in a set number of turns, while horizontal lines bring those troops to the front and turn them into brick walls. Attackers will move from the bottom screen to the top screen in the same row they were in, taking down enemy troops and doing damage to enemy walls.  The goal is to send your attacking forces through the defending forces to the top of the screen where they do damage to the opposing player, who has a set number of hit points. This is my suprise of the show. I've never played a Might and Magic game before, but this one caught me hook line and sinker.  
Cop The Recruit: 
It was my lucky day, as I was singled out by two different cute Ubisoft employees in the handheld lounge for two different games. Cop was another DS stunner (though I actually knew something about this one before hand. The E3 trailer didn't do this game justice in either graphics or gameplay. The cars, buildings, and characters were far bigger and more detailed than ANYTHING (i mean that) I have ever seen on the DS. it puts every other 3D game on the console to shame, and runs at 60 fps while doing it. On top of that, the cars IMO controled like a dream, and each one handled differently. Shooting worked like a DS shooter should and has sensitivity specifications in case you want things a little tighter.  Its not GTA (you can't run over pedestrians and shooting them is equally hopeless) but frankly, I didn't miss any of the M rated GTA material in the slightest.  There are a few things that should be changed by launch, but I think i'll still buy the game without them. First of all, sometimes its hard to see far away enemies, and some sort of indicator of their location would be nice. Also, the dialogue is cornier than the original Resident Evils. It's really, really bad. lastly, it'd be nice if they implemented diagonal running, as right now you can only run in the directions of the D pad. All in all though, Cop is the complete package, and it will shock DS owners everywhere.  
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash up 
What would you have if you took Smash Brothers and stripped away all the special (b) attacks? TMNT Smashup. Its a pretty bland game that could use a lot more flair. Thats really all there is to say on it.  
The games I never got to:  
The line for this was pretty insane, even when I got in early on saturday. I was somewhat interested after the art style changed, but after watching someone play a few minutes, I lost most of my desire. 
Left 4 Dead 2 
Is it worth demoing? Come on, we all know its essentially the same as the first game 
Dragon Age: Origins 
Sorry, but I don't know the first thing about this game, and It had a line rivaling Borderlands. 
Zelda: Chu Chu Train (Spirit Tracks) 
Again, anyone who has played "I'm on a boat!" (Phantom Hourglass) will know everything there is to know about this one.