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#1  Edited By amazingafroman

I wanna just chime in and say your probably not gonna see anything mind-blowingly next-gen from Microsoft any time soon. They stated rather publically that their first-party games are all going to run on the current Xbox consoles, meaning none of them will be able to fully leverage the new tech inside the console and you'll see almost all third party publishers do the same cause it means they can make more money developing for the higher install base platform. Microsoft knows this, its why when they showed off the Xbox series x specs they only demoed older titles to show what the operating system can do. But you're not gonna see any games that have zero loading screens or impressive improvements in things like game ai until developers can fully focus on the new platforms. Your best bet at this point to see a mind-blowing next-gen game is from sony as they have said there will be PlayStation 5 only titles, meaning they can actually make used of the hardware advantages.

Like don't get me wrong, there are games that will look way better on Xbox series x but better looking isn't really gonna sell next-gen for most people and if all those games are coming to a console they already own then why would you buy the new one for upwards of 500 USD unless you're a crazy fan of xbox.

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#2  Edited By amazingafroman

@fobwashed: Thanks :) i have some ideas as to how you can work around most of these issues, which would of taken way too long to explain. But it really all comes back to how your games narrative is being presented, who your characters are, what's your plot and how does your world work. by using that as your basis you should be able to think as to how you use death.

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@sunbrozak: I haven't played the Forrest mainly because of its early accessness, but the Idea that if you fail your taken to another place sort of like a priison system is pretty intresting. Repubique also does the same sort of thing with the way they handle being caught by gards, but it's more of an inconvenience then punishment. So I guess it has the same dort of flaws like dieing does.