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Daigo Money Matches @ Seasons Beatings 4

I'm sure the regulars of the GB SFIV board and of other SF forums and sites etc are aware of these already, but I thought I'd post them up anyway. I've also added the ones that are up so far into a playlist below, but there are others to come I think.
If you weren't aware of these then basically Daigo played some games of SFIV for money at Season Beatings 4. He does quite well. I also included some SFIII casuals Daigo played, if your into that sort of thing.

Here's a link to the playlist or you can go to the youtube page of the person who uploaded these for more videos here.

Stopped Watching The Persona 4 Endurance run

The last episode I watched was 111. There was nothing wrong with it, just as good as the other episodes. When 112 got uploaded though I didn't feel the need to watch it like I have with all the previous ones. I've been watching since the beginning and think it's a great series, so I guess I've just got bored with it? I'm sure when they get close to the end I'll be watching again, but right now I feel like I'm not really missing anything.
So, has anyone else stopped. Or even considered stopping? Am I crazy? Or was I crazy to start watching in the first place?!


Rufus: In Training

I posted a little while ago about how I was attempting to learn how to play with Dhalsim. Needless to say that didn't go so well, hence the title of this blog. Whatever the reason I couldn't get to grips with his play style. His defensive nature and having to plan moves in advance proved to be hard for me to master. Also his crappy health, bad ultra and slow movement doesn't help matters. However, I am sure there are plenty of people who have a play style more suited to him (in fact I've played plenty online and know if you play well with him, you can really annoy your opponents)

No Caption Provided

So, onto Rufus!

Up until now, the only time I'd really spent using Rufus was in the normal trial mode. I was getting bored with playing as Dhalsim so I decided to try a few characters out. I found that I could do most of Rufus's combos pretty easily and finished his hard trials pretty quickly. Now I know that being able to do combos in training doesn't mean you can do them in a match, but it's a start. Over the last week or so I've been playing with the Rufus in championship mode with pretty good results. I think a large part of this is to do with people not knowing how to play him, and (hopefully) a little part is played by my ability with him.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Tell me what you think. Embedded below is a game I played against GiantBomb user lggins. I start off pretty badly (or he started well?) in the first round, but get better as it progresses.


This is the 3rd match of 5 in a playlist which you can view here


Dhalsim: In Training

So I've been playing SFIV since it came out. Love it. Play it all the time.

Recently however I realised something. There was one character I had never played with, not even messed about with. In Fact, I haven't played with him in any game he's been in. Yes, you guessed it (I name him in the title... DOH!!) It's Dhalsim!!

So, from this day forward I vow to become the greatest Dhalsim player what ever lived!!

Okay, so I'm not quite that ambitious. However, even though I've only just started playing with him, I do feel surprsingly comfortable with him. So much so that when going back to other characters they feel strange and seem to move oddly. Anyway, I've decided to record some of my matches, and hopefully other people can offer advice in any areas that I could improve (I'm sure there's a lot of them).

This first match is between myself (mubress2) and fellow GiantBomb user Truespark. Games take place over PSN.


Check out the playlist here


Street Fighter IV has arrived!

Just a quick blog to say that Street Fighter IV arrived today!

Now I know it's been out in America and various other places since the 17th, but I live in the UK and it doesn't come out till the 20th...that's tomorrow.
I ordered it from Play UK and it's not uncommon for games to arrive early from them sometimes, but it's the 1st time it's happened to me :)
Also, I received the confirmation that it had been dispatched yesterday, and it said 3-5 days so I was kinda bummed by that, cuz it meant the earliest I would get it was Saturday!! But fortunately it turned up today, so I'll see you fellow street fighters online!!!




LBP GiantBomb Level Video!

This is a Giant Bomb themed level created by GB user Shadow. I filmed this so that people who can't play the game could have a look at it. The first video is a bit dark, not sure why, but you can still see the dialogue text which is the main part of the level. For those who do have LBP, the name of the level is "How Giantbomb became a threat".

Here is a link to the creator's original forum post where you can give your views on the level. Enjoy!



note: There's also a high quality version of both vids if you go over to youtube, it makes the writing easier to read.

Games, Games, Games.

Street Fighter IV is at the top of my list for games I'm looking forward to in 2009.
Also interested to see how Killzone turns out, as well as Bionic Commando.

Would also like to see some new maps for Left 4 Dead.


Yes, Yes I did

I purchased Wipeout HD, which was awesome.

I also downloaded MK II which I was unable to play very well at all :(

Think that was it.


MK vs DC... vs L4D

Sorry about all the abbreviations, I couldn't help myself.

So yeah, I'm currently playing Left 4 Dead and Mortal Kombat vs DC universe. Here's an unnecessary picture of my PS3 about to run MK vs DC.

MK vs DC!
MK vs DC!

I've played quite a bit more of Left 4 Dead than MK, but that's only because I got MK today and L4D on Friday.
Therefore all I will say about MK is that it seems pretty awesome so far. I'm about 1/2 way through the MK side of the story mode, ( in case you didn't know there's two story sides, one from the MK point of view and one from the DC side) and it works pretty well. You play through different chapters, and in each one you play as a different character. This helps to vary the play, as well as helping you decide which character you might be best suited to. As far as online goes, I've only played a couple of matches. There wasn't any lag in either, and I managed to win both somehow, even though I played as Superman and didn't really know any of his special moves. I just ended up relying on good block timing, and one decent combo. I'll probably do another blog on my thoughts on MK once I've completed it and played some more online, and possibly a review if I can be bothered. Anyway, on to Left 4 Dead!


Before I talk about what I think of L4D, I'll just comment on my computers ability to run it.
As you can see I have a laptop, plus it's about 2 years old ish. However, with everything on normal settings it plays great. I guess this isn't that surprising as it runs on the Source engine, and that's been around for a few years now, plus I can run CS:S, Half life 2 and episodes 1 and 2 quite easily. It does look quite a bit better than those games though in my opinion, so I was pleased when everything ran good.

So onto the game itself.
TBH I wasn't expecting that much from this game. There are quite a few Half Life mods that involve you fighting zombies, so I just thought Valve were cashing in really.
Obviously I hadn't read or seen anything about the game at this point or I wouldn't have thought that. I downloaded the demo and got into a 4 player co-op campaign match, and straight away we were under attack from hordes of zombies. I had foolishly chosen to play on the hardest setting so unfortunately we didn't make it through to the end, but I didn't care really because it was so fun! It's hard to describe why really, but I guess it's like Ryan says in his review that the world seems so real, even though you don't see another non-zombie in the entire game. Combine this with great shooting controls and decent graphics and you have a great game.

Anyway, after playing the demo I decided to buy it obviously. Then I watched the little preview vid that GB put up and saw that they were playing AS THE ZOMBIES! I did not realise this was possible! So I went straight onto the versus mode when I got the game, and became a hunter first off. I ended up jumping on a guy but got blasted straight off, so I decided to be a bit more careful next time. When you play as the "special zombies", you get randomnly assigned to either a Hunter (can jump long distances and pin people down whilst mauling them), Smoker (can pull people long distances with it's tongue whilst constricting them), Boomer (can vomit on characters which attracts hordes of zombies almost instantly), and finally the Tank (does what it says on the tin). If you get killed by the survivors (which happens fairly regularly) then you have to wait about 20 odd seconds to respawn.
Therefore, it's very important to work with your fellow zombie teammates to bring the survivors down together, and this can be very satisfying :)

So my final thoughts on Left 4 Dead are that it's a 5 star game, because even though there aren't that many maps now people are already making their own ones (at least on the PC).
As for MK vs DC I would also give it 5 stars just simply because it's so much better than the most recent versions. However, I can't comment on the longevity of the online or replays of the story mode, arcade mode etc yet, so look forward to a review possibly in the next week or so.

Thanks for reading:)
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