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Inspired by a world in my head


               A couple of weeks ago, on a whim, I decided to start a actual play podcast. No particular reason, I’ve just been hearing Actual Plays from RPPR to Nerdbound and I thought to myself why not. The group of people I game with are good role-players. They act out their characters as real people, not caricatures and as such, they provide entertaining dialogue that honestly makes me laugh my ass off almost every five minutes. I consider myself a halfway decent GM, who give them plenty of freedom to do what they want. Hell, although they’ll never know, I’ve changed the ending to some games so many times that what I had planned originally is completely destroyed and who I had as a side character becomes the main villain all along. Why not show this to whoever would listen. So I did, and honestly, I don’t know if I can ever now quit it.

              Its not that the podcast is popular, hell, I’ve only had one comment on iTunes. What is important is that something that I created is up there for people to see. I’ve had no real similar experience before and now that’s it’s out there, I can’t help but feel I need to do more. I don’t necessarily mean for the podcast, but maybe some other projects I also had in the back of my mind that I just “never got around too”. It’s like this project jump started the hurry up and do crap part of my brain. This is a project I’m having fun with and is giving me a warm soft glow that I thought was the drugs taking hold but I’m realizing is what some people called a sense of accomplishment. It’s a feeling I haven’t had since I made a picture of a dog and showed to my parents when I was like 8. It was a very impressive dog. It had like 3 colors.

              So, you may ask, what does it matter? Congrats, you have a podcast; it’s not that big of a thing. My cousin Billy has a podcast, and he talks about shoes. The thing your cousin Billy I share besides our rugged good looks and the ability to make the women swoon, is that fact we’ve done something, a social and public thing that other can see.  Whether the comments are good and bad, we put ourselves out there and it changes you a little. How do I know? Because I’m blogging about it right now. I’ve had this giant bomb account for awhile but I haven’t done much with it except the odd witty comment (at least I thought it was witty) and trying to do the quests when I was bored. Now, I’m writing a blog and may discuss some topics on the forums.

              Why am I telling you all this. For two reason. 1) Its my blog and I can say what I want… man that feels good. 2) So that the rest of you can give it a go. I know that there are a bunch of you who reads twitter, reads the blogs, and maybe asks a question on the forum if you’re curious. Try to push yourself a bit more. Trust me, it feels good to have your opinion out there, just don’t be an ass about it. The line between blogger and hatemonger is very thin.

If you’re curious about the podcast I mentioned, give it a listen and if you have the urge and the time, throw me a comment, good or bad. The fact that you gave your opinion fuels my growing ego.


Insert interesting topic here.

                  I sometimes dream of the blood soaked fields. The strange and monstrous world where demons would come forth and......... oh wait..  sorry, that was Tuesday. Today I watched Dr Who.