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With the release of season 2 of the Battle Pass I finally decided to plunge into the singleplayer campaign. I enjoy some parts and find some tedious but that is not why I am writing this. I am having some trouble understanding certain actions and decisions in the plot. Now to be fair I am not the smartest person when it comes to following plot but I was hoping you lot could help me with a few things. (spoilers ahead obviously)

Firstly, if Urzikstan is currently under foreign occupation and practically under a military dictatorship, would the US have an active embassy in the country?

Secondly, would the embassy allow two heavily armed guerrilla fighters inside? The operation is compartmentalized (secret) so why would the ambassador just allow them in with their weapons?

Next up is the Russian general. He was a general 20 years ago during the invasion and has yet to be relieved of duty, retired or KIA? I know general is the second highest rank in the Russian military but you would think he would eventually move to another post after 20 years.

And finally my biggest issue yet: So Hadir and Farah are numbers 1 and 2 in their resistance group and you expect me to believe that Hadir was able to hide his entire theft of the gas from his sister and so called leader of the group? Even if he did, would the US military not immediately arrest Farah as a suspect in the theft? In the game they let her instead join the super team of secret badass soldiers....what?

I have yet to finish the game, and honestly I hope you guys can just answer my questions because I am really enjoying most of the campaign but I cant get over some of the plot points here....

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Some story missions will ask you if you want to return to camp after finishing. If you lose your horse find a stable and your horse will be there to retrieve. If needed, put on your mask and steal a horse.

You're still early in the game and it does take time to open up. It took me a while to realise that this game operates at a slow pace and I had the same feeling of being lost as you. When I realised the game will be slower I started enjoying it more. Just riding through the countryside, studying animals, collecting bounties, and doing missions all blends together instead of feeling like compartmentalized sections. Also at one point my camp just decided to have a party and I couldn't do anything besides drink and sing and dance and share stories by the campfire until Arthur went to bed. This is the vibe Rockstar is going for and it may not be for everyone.

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I would like to see them allow us to build our own courses through the world. I don't mean just blueprints but more of a track editor where you can choose the route to take and allow us to place a few obstacles like jumps. Horizon 4 is the only game in the series where I completed everything 100% because the world is just so fun to drive through. Even now with having done everything I'm just cruising around offroad without a goal. I would love to create a racetrack on top of the mountains in the NW part of the map.

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#6  Edited By Asakusa_A18

Call of Duty 2 had that mission where you defended a bunker on top of a hill against wave after wave of Germans and that mission itself is better than anything COD post MW2. I think there's hope for something good to come out of this.

Here's an idea just off the top of the dome. Remember the opening of BF1 when you die you go into the body of another dude? Make that a part of the gameplay. You have 12 dudes in your squad. Try to finish the mission with as many as possible. No checkpoints so it gets really intense when you're the last survivor and can almost see the end of the causeway you need to run to (or whatever ww2 guys were doing).

WW2 is not an empty bucket. It's just that this one bucket is empty but if you look over this way, you have 3 different buckets that are all pretty full. Give those ones a try!

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@jedted said:
Also to expect Bioware to create a whole host of new races, in addition to the returning ones, for one game is a bit insane.

Here's the thing though. Because the Milky way races are divorced from their home galaxy, the writers didn't need to do anything new for them. All of their history and background info is either told through dialogue or the codex. There's no new Salarian or Turian planets or history to discover, It's all static.

Therefore it's the perfect opportunity to add in a whole host of new races. At least 3-4 like the the original game had. A few hours in, I feel like all they added was 2 new races, and they are fighting. They don't even have a good reason for fighting, they just arrived one day and started a war. It feels lazy.

Here's hoping that more aliens come along or a cool reason is revealed for the war in Andromeda.

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The fact that it doesn't hide a load and cannot be skipped is just awful. They need to patch that. I read every planet's story in the previous game. Now I hate even having to go back to the nexus because of this.