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  • Ashkore posted a message on the post Jeff Gerstmann - Guilty Treasures #01.

    What an absolute treasure this first episode was... Sorry. Danny, you are a true master of your craft and Jeff is just a constant well of games knowledge and experience. Couldn't be more excited for t...

  • Ashkore posted a message on the post Episode 311.

    My Sunday’s will never be the same again, it has been the highlight of my week, every week to listen to this exceptional group of people. Thank you all for everythin <>

  • Ashkore posted a message in the forum topic Giant Bomb GotY 2019 Fantasy League. on the General Discussion board

    1. Control2. Apex Legends3. Outer Wilds4. Modern Warfare5. The Outer World's6. Resident Evil 27. Void Bastards8. Luigi's Mansion 3