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Why do people hate the interns?

I just don't get it. The interns seem like pretty good folk. Why do people hate on them? I was just reading Kessler's review of Yakuza 4, and I saw several comments to the effect of, "Why the fuck is Kessler writing reviews? This site is going down the toliet. This is why I don't read reviews on the site anymore. Another Kessler review? Guess this one is written horribly."

It's just mind-blowing how butt-hurt people are getting over the fact that someone besides the four duders, with an occasional Dave or Drew (who was an intern by the way), are providing content to the site. What is the problem? Why is it bad? Kessler is a great writer. He complements the four duders perfectly. He can explain what he thinks in writing, and he does so well. He's kind of a strange guy (so is everyone else on the site), but he's extremely eloquent. Steve's a great video editor (have you seen the Spook Look intro?!), and Ben and Nick....are Ben and Nick!

My rambling aside, these guys are pretty cool. I don't get why the community has such disdain for them. They make quality content for the site that isn't even put on the site, and I hate to break it to you guys but someday Jeff and the guys are gonna get old, and they're gonna want to retire. Someone will take their place. It may not be these interns, but it will be someone.

So I pose this question again (If you've even gotten this far and haven't flamed me in the comments yet), why do you hate the interns? My best guess is that its Jeff and Ryan's (mostly Ryan's) apparent hatred of them. It's called sarcasm you guys. A joke. They don't really have some prejudice belief about interns. They actually don't mind them at all. If they hated them, there would be no reason to keep them around besides to get sandwiches and burritos.