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Looks Like I Made a Top Ten List

It's a wonderful year for video jammin'.

The boy himself.
The boy himself.

Sterling Aceto, or known on the internet as aspexParsec, is the creator of faux-game series April and it's ""antagonist"" Brad the Hand. He is also a local catboy, radio DJ and android developer. You can enjoy some of his content on Twitter, Tumblr and personal Tumblr.

Hey-o, it's game of the year time which means we're bundling up for the winter and settling down for some new attractions in the '17. Honestly, lets reflect back to 2016 with some of the best video games I've probably played to date. I even made some personal accomplishments of my own! Having found out Um Jammer Lammy in 2015, I finally beat the game 100% and got to the secret level where you can just play all the tracks and listen to all of their variants. Turns out "Cool" mode doesn't sounds as good as the originals.

But anyways.... This is my top ten games of this year:

10. Final Fantasy 15

Thanks for the image Prompto!
Thanks for the image Prompto!

There's been a weird air around this game as of late that has caused me to put a pause on finishing Final Fantasy 15. I know what you're thinking, why preface your number 10 with something this teeter-tottery? The answer is pretty simple: Even though this game isn't quite as polished as it probably should be, it's one of the best active action games of the year. With really fun protagonists and colorful locations and monsters, I can easily throw a cover over my eyes and hold my ears until I need to stop where the story falls flat. If you don't know by the time you read this, there's an update coming to add story to parts of the game lacking it. I'm hopefully going to trudge up to there and stop, just so I can get the additional story without replaying. But until then, there's a carnival awaiting me.

9. Amplitude

I'm Inside your mind
I'm Inside your mind

This game was overlooked by many people, and honestly I would have too. I never played the originals so I have absolutely no frame of reference for this game and even less so because I hated Guitar Hero (I can justify that later if you want me to). But this game rocks, I mean literally. The music is wonderful, the visuals have a weird brainy sort of aesthetic that makes me want to just zone and spin around popping all the notes in the right order. If you're curious about what style of music gets me in the groove just, listen. Hold on a second I'm actually going to play this song for a second...

8. Titanfall 2

Get out of there Pilot!
Get out of there Pilot!

TF2 is a great game, you get a giant mech robot that talks to you and is really quip-y but in a really pleasantly written way. The guns just feel amazing and like, wall running is beautiful. This is one of those games that feels like it was avoided by almost everyone I talked to. The only way I could play with anyone at all really is by joining the Giant Bomb clan/guild/group thing. That's not really a negative at all though! This match-making system seems really helpful for playing with people who you know are at least going to be online at some point. Although I have to admit, I didn't really play the multiplayer that much, it's almost all about the story mode. Holy shit. No really holy shit. I'd bump this up to number one if these other seven games didn't exist. I know that sounds silly but like, please if you haven't experienced this story mode you're missing out.

7. The Witness

Everything in this game is a spoiler, so have this image.
Everything in this game is a spoiler, so have this image.

I love puzzle games. I love logic puzzle games. I'm not really an adventure game kind of person at all to be honest. I knew exactly what this game was coming into it and I enjoyed its style, its colors, its atmosphere and its jutting metal plates where you solve puzzles. I've heard a lot of complaints about this game. I feel like one of it's major faults isn't the game itself but how people compare it to Myst (which is an adventure game I enjoyed). But, this game is a straight up pen and paper logic puzzle adventure where you can just manipulate the world around you by solving puzzles. There's no real "mystery" to be solved either. It's just a weird sort of choose your own way to beat the game using the puzzles given you kinda thing.

6. Stardew Valley

Carnival Time!
Carnival Time!

In Stardew Valley you play as a farmer who takes over their dead grandpa's farm after having such a mundane office job for what seems like forever. This sounds exactly like the kinda weirdly veiled story that any of these games really need, and when I say "these games" I mean farming action adventure RPGs. It's weird how this game can combine almost zelda/rogue-like cave dungeon places with the love of what would probably be boring farming and fishing. But it's not even boring at all! I love plotting out my farm land, and feeding my chickens! In fact the only thing that really gets dull is the cave exploring and mining, but that's also because of how often I choose to do that. If you love simple fun, and having the ability to marry whoever you want in the village (pretty much), then this is totally a game for you. Also yeah I married Abigail cause she's a goth girl who eats rocks.

5. Fire Emblem Fates

Your "brothers" and "sisters" featuring water lady.

The Fire Emblem series has been full of character(s) and holy cow I never got into those previous games. After beating Awakening this year, seeing how awesome the series could go into was something that sparked my interest in the sequel. After all the controversy that preceded the release in the west, I almost got to miss out on this really wonderful title. It's your typical static J-RPG trope-y characters but mixed in with what seems to be your (not) brothers and sisters? Since I almost always play these games as a girl, it's really tough to figure out who to marry, since they haven't figured out same-gendered marriages yet. But being the type of gal I was, in the game, I married what seemed to accurately be me and that was the furry boy. Thanks to that me and our lovely furry daughter can nya out way through the rest of the game.

4. Hitman

Even 47 respects hygiene
Even 47 respects hygiene

What else can be said about this game that hasn't already. No really. The guided kills, while many think they're off putting, are actually really rewarding and fun. I even beat this game to the ground trying to get 20/20 mastery in every episode. I'm excited for season two and hope that it's at least the same level as what we've gotten here this year. My favorite map is also Hokkaido.

3. Watch Dogs 2

Accidental Bestfriend
Accidental Bestfriend

Watch Dogs one was actually okay, in fact I loved it to death. Aiden Pierce was a terrible character but it was cool to see him at least portrayed as shitty when he was actually being shitty. But we're not here to talk about the first one, this is the second one that really hits it home. Watch Dogs 2 is so brilliant with it's fun world design, fun kills, fun weapons, fun music and fun characters that it just comes off as well... Entertaining. The game really isn't the easiest too, I had a some difficulty on the last parts of the game. The hacking is back and more streamlined that makes it feel a bit more empty compared to the first, but I guess that's a positive in a way. I also loved the little robot that you can zip around with.

2. Pokemon Sun and Moon


GUH.... GUHHH.... It's almost physically painful how good this game is. I've always loved Pokemon's quirky story as small as it might be to some people. As much as the meta game in Pokemon seems to be what most people put their eyes on, at least for the previous titles, I've seen more and more people loving the characters in the story. This game even has cutscenes out the gate, and I'm not talking just legendary monster pops up! There's so much I want to say about this game in its favor but honestly all I can say is that it's just not "Another Pokemon Game."

1. Overwatch

She is my innocent love
She is my innocent love

I dunno how they did it. It almost seems like a miracle that Blizzard got me to think about buying a game they made. I always thought that Blizzard was really sort of stale and static in almost an antagonistic way but this really flipped my world view. With characters that are fun and colorful and just awesome to play as, this game seems to hit every note that made me sour about first person shooters, and knock it out of the way. It's fluid movement and really friendly atmosphere in the game just makes me feel good. I still get super angry at the game but that's just the competitive nature of games in general. Overwatch at least lets me mute everyone who has a mic instantly through settings so I don't have to worry about hearing slurs that probably show up. My mains are also Mei, Mercy, Pharah and D. Va.

Well there you have it, my top ten games of the year. Doom honestly was a great game but I really haven't finished it yet. Consider it my number ten as well if it makes you feel happy. If you wanna hear more about my weird opinions or just wanna have a fun time with me hit me up on the twitter dot com.

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