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Average score of 8 user reviews

What Rhymes With Orange? 0

Curse of monkey island is the greatest, goofiest, non-sequitorist, underplayediest achievement in point-n-click adventure gaming and the swan song of the golden era of LucasArts. Here's a list of things you will accomplish if you decide to play this game (YOU WILL!)... 1)Learn what a synthetic pirates beard is made of, 2)Become a demon chicken, 3)Toss a rubber tree, 4)Have pieces of dandruff in your inventory, 5)Die, and 6)Learn what word rhymes with Orange (SPOILERS its door-hindge)... If yo...

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A Work of Staggering Genius 0

If the original Portal was a perfectly paced game that benefited greatly from its simplicity, than Portal 2 is a work of genius. And if the single player portion of the game is wonderful, and shows Valve as the masterful and evolving developer it is, than the co-op turns the volume, essentially, to 11. Valve gets me. I don't know how, but they must somehow know my inner thoughts and dreams as a gamer. I have played Half-life 2 through 3 times over, and each time I found that I had taken so...

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An ugly, disturbing, and visceral experience 0

Dead Space 2 is a game that progresses with relentless pacing, and one that demands your attention. It is an extremely dirty and visceral (pun completely intended) experience. "The Sprawl" (an allusion to the setting of William Gibson's Sprawl Trilogy) is a disgusting place, teaming with denizens of "The Marker", an object of supernatural and mysterious origins. And like Gibson's novels, Visceral has married biology and technology into a truly dystopian vision of potential futures for mankind. ...

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Coming up on three yeast since GTA IV was released, and folks.... this game is still the most relevant, deep, and satisfying game world ever created. RELEVENT: Since GTA III, this franchise has always been about pinpointing the feeling of an era while remaining current and relevent. GTA IV is more so than ever. Liberty City, like all American cities, is a post 9/11 world. There is obvious parody which is fine, and other games do parody, but GTA IV does the best kind of parody, it innundates you...

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Borderlands is Satisfying! 0

Borderlands is so satisfying. Gearbox clearly didn't get sidetracked by the narrative, or atmosphere, or even sound design; they spent their time on creating a well balanced loot driven FPS/light RPG, and in this way they did a near perfect job.  You may want to play this on your own for a while, but take note: Borderlands was built with co-op in mind, and is always better with 1-3 other players. Loot is better (which you will care about), enemies tougher, and there's a sense of teamwork which i...

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Resident Evil Dethroned 0

About 3 hours into Dead Space I knew it was true, the Resident Evil franchise had been dethroned as the best IP in action/survival horror.     Dead Space, like all great titles in the genre, is all about balance and choices. As Isaac progresses through the USG Ishimura and aliens take chunks out of him, you will have to make some hard choices. There are a few additions that Dead Space adds to the genres staples which add layers to your decision making. The classic inventory choices are here, so ...

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fun as having electric powers should be 0

Having the power of electricity surging through your body should be fun, and Infamous is Fun.   The story in infamous is really pretty lame when you think about it. Guy gets powers, there's an orb thingy that could kill the world, and of course there's a girl... well guess what..... That's a lame story. And the big reveal at the end is pretty lame too.  BUT  The game is fun damnit, and that's what games are really about. In fact, the game is so much fun I almost platinumed it... and I am no comp...

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Good ol Fashioned Fun 0

So I really don't play too many racing games. I tend towards large over-serious single player epics (often to my own dismay).  Split/Second is just fun, and I have to admit, reminded me what the hell a videogame is.  After attempting to enjoy Dragon Age and Slogging my way through a bevy of Bro Shooters; this game was like theropy for me.  Now, I could attempt to put this in a more acedemic fashion, but I really don't think there's a way: I like explosions. Specifically, I like what explosions d...

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