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Award Knight


It's getting to be "that time of year" again. The Grammy's are a few weeks away, followed by the Oscar's two weeks after that. Those two events are supposed to be a celebration of the year's top chosen by the industries they represent. Neither of which I have any plans to watch.

Now, I'm not saying these types of shows shouldn't exist, people can do what they want. And they do commend what they think are the top of the field. It's just that from where I sit, it really doesn't matter at all. I don't feel outraged when someone wins "album of the year" when I could name a few more deserving entries. Like I'm not going to like U2 any less than I already do, because How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb won, Nor am I going to like Alanis Morissette more because she won an award. And really, neither should anyone.

Yes, you can look at the nominees for something like "best picture" and watch movies you hadn't heard of or something you might not have had a chance to watch when it came out and forgot about. You might discover a new actor or director to like and you want to watch more of their movies. That's always a good thing.

And I really don't get the people who like a band, and then they win an award, so the person who liked them two months ago no longer likes them. What? Why? You had no problem with what they were doing before, and they didn't do anything exactly wrong except being picked by people they most likely don't know for an award they probably didn't think they were going to win. It's just an excuse, and you probably didn't like them to begin with.

Also I think it's weird when a non local professional sports team wins a championship and suddenly I see a gaggle of people in San Francisco Giants hats and jerseys. Y'all weren't wearing those a month ago, must be awesome on the bandwagon. That sentiment get's doubly weird for me when someone tries explaining why I should watch a movie because it won the 1959 movie of the year. I'm not saying I'll never watch a Giants game, or Ben-Hur, I'm saying I'd like a little more persuasion then a "c'mon" to get me motivated.

I don't think most people really pick their favorite music and movies from award show wins, or at least I'd like to think not. Although someone I knew said they never saw a particularly popular movie because it didn't make that much money at the box office. That argument made no sense to me either.

If you are the type of person who watches shows like the Grammy's, because that's what you like and your "thing", that's cool. Just don't try to say I should have watched it to see Beyoncé give a good performance, because I saw that, and she missed a verse in that song she sang that wasn't her's last year, and that was awkward to my ears. So you go ahead and have a good time.