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#1  Edited By auburok
@DonPixel: She'll reply to you properly when flood protection is over with. Oh man, you've no idea what you've provoked.
Edit: Oh, and, for the record: yeah, she plays a lot. Though most of the name drops I'd have would be sort of foreign to you; you seem to mostly play WoW while she's busy playing worthwhile games.
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#2  Edited By auburok
@Origina1Penguin said:

Describe the quality of: 

  1. Voice acting
  2. Environment art/design
  3. The plot
  • Is the game repetitive? 
  • Are there large cinematic or scripted events? How often? 
  • Is the game difficult? 
  • The Gears of War influence has been no secret by the developers, but which other game(s) can be comparable or seen as an influence?
  • Are you generally having fun?
  • What is your favorite aspect(s) of the game?
  • What do you not like about the game?

I'm currently playing with Idiivil, so we have about the same experience.
Voice acting:
It's actually pretty good. I don't have any problems with the actual quality of voices. We're about half way through the game, though, so there's room for that to change.
Environment art/design:
 Superb. I wish Dragon Age 2 took notes from these guys. So far everything's been varied, and there's been no feelings of "we've been here". The levels are very different from each other, and are well structured. Secret areas are EVERYWHERE. Movable walls, secret switches you need to shoot from afar, and light-mid range difficulty puzzles. It's a real dungeon crawler. I love it.
The main characters are basically mercenaries, and the warrior is haunted by nightmares. Those nightmares manifest as they get closer to what causes it. Let's just say that so far it's a background plot to the main one:
Part of the dream seems to be a nightmare projection of a person (or so she claims) and promises that her father, the mayor lord of a town, is rich. These mercs like money, so they cautiously accept. It goes from there. Have you ever played dungeons and dragons? Think of it like a campaign. It's not so much the plot, as it is the journey. The journey, so far, has been awesome.
Forgive me, the rest of it will be straight forward replies to bulletpoints.
  • Is the game repetitive?
    Not often. We're usually figuring out better ways to kill enemies, and new enemies are introduced fairly regularly. The only part that's repetitive is if you are on a harder difficulty like we are, and make a mistake, and die. It's not exactly generous with save points, so that can get a bit old if you're having problems.
  • Are there large cinematic or scripted events? How often?
    There's no QTEs, if that's what you're worried about. There's often large battles, but not much is scripted about them aside from enemies coming out to you. They will tend to try to close in on the archer, while the longer ranged attackers will focus on the warrior. Large battles tend to make use of ballistas or catapults.
  • Is the game difficult?
    On casual or gamer, no. We're on "hardcore", which is challenging, but fun. There's a harder locked mode, though. There are no difficulty achievements.
  • The Gears of War influence has been no secret by the developers, but which other game(s) can be comparable or seen as an influence?
    Army of Two and Resident Evil 5, for the actual "buddy system". There's actually a difference between the two character's main attack style, so it's not quite like those two games. Since most people here have played WoW or another MMORPG, here's this: It's like going through instances with a dps tank and a nuker.
  • Are you generally having fun?
    Almost constantly, even when we're sucking at a part. We haven't had much luck with really good coop games lately, and we thought after Portal 2, we'd be sitting for a bit. I'm glad we were wrong. I dare say that this is more fun than Portal 2 coop for us.
  • What is your favorite aspect(s) of the game?
    The secret areas. The puzzles. The cooperative sorts of attacks (freezing enemies and breaking them, or levitating them and one-shotting them in the air). Finding new weapons, shields, or armor. The unorthadox coop puzzles (balancing each other on a beam to get up to an area at the same time). SYSTEM LINK (take notes, other developers!) is a great, lag-less way to play. The game rewards you with abilities for doing particular actions in the game: saving the other player, finding secret areas, using fury strikes as a warrior, etc.
  • What do you not like about the game?
    Some times, some particle effects have a little bit of an outline. It's not game breaking. We also don't like that we can't use a preorder skin until we beat the game, but we figure we'll be playing this for a while. Executions don't seem to be different yet, but I haven't unlocked them.
@The_Laughing_Man said:
Thread like this made *ask me anything more or less means anyone who played it can talk about it) 
Your thread seems to be congested with nipple questions and vague answers. It won't hurt to have a girl's perspective for this game.
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