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Average score of 5 user reviews

Review: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days 0

Oh, where to begin with you, Kane & Lynch? I never had the honor of experiencing you're less than mediocre first outing as Dead Men, and yet here I am reviewing you're chance at redemption. It's less than ideal, I know, but you're second game certainly caught my eye and held my interest long enough to give your new game a try. Let's break it down, shall we? Although I didn't experience the first game, the opening cinematic for Dog Days gave me enough of a glimpse into their past and gritty ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Review: Heavy Rain 0

(Read the original review on my blog)   It's ironic that I should be writing about a game featuring the worst virtual weather of this generation while enjoying a beautiful almost-spring day outside. The sun is shining, plants are growing, birds are chirping, dogs are barking, and all of this topped off by two men wielding chainsaws somewhere up the street. Indeed, there is no better way to enjoy the great outdoors like wearing in your brand new power tools. Great job guys. I hope that fallen tre...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Review: Just Cause 2 0

 (Read the original review on my blog)  There's a certain kind of satisfaction one gets from witnessing something that is clearly impossible, yet is pulled off with such casual bravado that you can't help but snicker at how incredible it all is. The developers of Just Cause 2 recognize this, and have proceeded to deliver those kinds of over-the-top hi-jinks ad nauseam.The problem here is that I can't decide whether or not this is a good thing. On one hand, it's relentlessly enjoyable to dive off...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Review: Dante's Inferno 0

(Read the original review on my blog)  Yet another game that I am glad I rented from GameFly, because I ended up not playing it nearly as much as I wanted  to. But it's not that I ran out of time, rather that I just got to a certain point and just stopped because it wasn't fun anymore. I made it about half-way through the game, to the circle of Greed, before I quit due to lack of interest and enthusiasm. That's not good news. The first problem came when they started to reveal Dante's back-story...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Review: Darksiders 0

 I rented the game via GameFly, got it in the mail on the seventh of January. I tried to like it, I really did. However, after blasting through the awesomeness that was Bayonetta, I couldn't bring myself to enjoy Darksiders on the same level. I know the games are very different, but story-wise when you compare them, Darksiders pales in comparison.Here's where I think the problem lies for me: Bayonetta had a ridiculous, over the top storyline and characters and was completely aware of that fact a...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.