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Features I would LOVE to see on

Giant Bomb is an amazing site, and I love it for it. There is always room for improvement, however. Here's a list of things I think would help to make the site even better.  Vote on which you like and tell me if you agree:
1. Weekly Mailbag video feature with a separate tab location above the video feed
2. An option for a Subscription based site with absolutely no ads what so ever.
3. An office webcam to always see what's going on in the basement. (maybe pointing at the couch to see what their reactions are to whatever games they play without needing to see anything we're not allowed to yet)
4. Dave on every weekly podcast. I know we have a full 4 cast rarely enough that he comes on anyways, but I think a fifth opinion would be awesome. plus he's just cool.
5. Debate videos: have the crew discuss the multiple points of why this game sucks, or why it's amazing. Debate over gaming trends, etc. 
Vote on which you like, and feel free to comment or add more.  Don't worry, I'm not totally sold on all of them either.

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