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DRM and 64Bit surport

Fucking EA I picked up a copy of war hammer on-line to day only to find out it wont run on my 64Bit machine. A lot of pc games made buy EA do not support it The Command And Conquer Series spring to mind.

Ive just about had enough of EA's DRM when ever I buy one of their games it wont run unless you install the EA download manager and activate it on line so fuck you ea im not buying any of your pc games any more untill you have better surport for them.
I mean is it really so much to ask to make a game tun on a 64 bit editon of winodws Vista so fuck you guys at ea.  

Just had to get that rant out of my system after wasting $60 on warhammer online which I cant play.



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Edited By Bartiemus

Fucking EA I picked up a copy of war hammer on-line to day only to find out it wont run on my 64Bit machine. A lot of pc games made buy EA do not support it The Command And Conquer Series spring to mind.

Ive just about had enough of EA's DRM when ever I buy one of their games it wont run unless you install the EA download manager and activate it on line so fuck you ea im not buying any of your pc games any more untill you have better surport for them.
I mean is it really so much to ask to make a game tun on a 64 bit editon of winodws Vista so fuck you guys at ea.  

Just had to get that rant out of my system after wasting $60 on warhammer online which I cant play.