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#1  Edited By bean_juice

No, they're not too negative. Watch Vinny and Brad playing Astroneer, or Jeff recently playing Trackmania, or Ben playing Them Fightin' Herds. The duders love Video Games. When I hear this refrain, I think it's generally because they expressed skepticism or some dislike for something the poster enjoys. I respect Jeff but his taste for video games often clashes with my own, but that's okay, I still want to hear his takes because much of this comes down to preference. He got me to revisit the Call of Duty franchise after avoiding it for 15 years and I'm also playing the heck out of Trackmania now, same with Titanfall 2, all of these games own. I rely on them to filter a lot of the crap out there and give me good takes from their immense collective experience.

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#2  Edited By bean_juice
  1. Outer Wilds
  2. Control
  3. Resident Evil 2 Remake
  4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
  5. Apex Legends
  6. Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
  7. The Outer Worlds
  8. Luigi's Mansion 3