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Old cranky gamer

Is it just me or do the gamers today have it a little too good. In today's world you can't walk down a street without seeing something video game related. It seems everyone has heard of "Call of Duty" or "Modern "Warfare" and even your parents are gaming these days which leads me to my point. When I was growing up gaming was something you kept a secret. Sure Nintendo was a house hold word but really when people uttered the word Nintendo they meant Mario. When I walked down the halls of middle school I used to live in fear that it would get out that I owned and played video games. I hate to use terms such as "jock" and "nerd" but there was a real division of class when I was younger and if you played video games you where a "nerd" and it was the "jocks" mission to make your life miserable in any way they could. I think you have to admit it has been a complete and total shift from the early 80's. Don't get me wrong I'm glad that video games have been more widely accepted. Anything that gives human beings more common ground is always a good thing. I just wonder if the trail blazers where ever honored for their sacrifice or if anyone even cares.