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My first hamburger

Last night I had my first hamburger. Not my first one at a certain resturaunt (well I guess technically that's true), but I'm talking about the first hamburger I've ever consumed, in my 21 years on this planet. And let me tell you, I've been missing out.
I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't eat a lot of meat. Never have. I'll usually take chicken if I have to, but last night me and a few friends went to In-'N-Out. 

 The scene of the crime.
 The scene of the crime.

If you're not familiar with In-N-Out, it is higher quality fast food. The thing is the menu options are very limited. Whenever I would go to somewhere like a Burger King, I would go for the chicken option because for some reason eating a burger never appealed to me. Maybe my hippie parents used subliminal messaging to get me to not want to eat meat. Well last night when we got to In-N-Out, I was starving. I had to do it. I had to break free and let the heavenly light of hamburgers into my cold, dark, beefless world, so I did it. I ordered a double double (two meat patties with two cheese slices) with only pickles, ketchup.

 Spoiler alert: I liked it.
 Spoiler alert: I liked it.

My first bite yielded mixed results, but by the time I was halfway through my burger I knew. I knew a door had opened up for me and I could never go back. I imagined this is what a heroin addict feels like the first time they shoot up. My life changed that fateful day. I can now call myself a true American.