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Revisiting old (hard) games

Today I was cleaning up my shelf, going through and organizing all my old games when I came across two games that I had to take a second look at. They were Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, and Baten Kaitos. 
Both GameCube games, I realized I loved these games when I had first bought them, but I never remembered beating them. So I loaded up Metal Arms and almost instantly the terrible memories came flowing back to me. I instantly recognized the level I was on, because I couldn't beat it back in 200X. Well I sat down and had to play it only about 2-3 times and beat it, very easily. We all hear that taking a break on a hard level then going back is helpful, but I guess I never thought that break needed to be several years.
The same thing happened with Baten Kaitos. I was on the last boss of the game, and beat him on my second try. Now I'm going back through my whole collection of games, starting with the GameCube. I am a hoarder and never sold my old games, so I feel like I'm going to find quite a few that I could never beat.