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Super Meat Boy: the only game to cause me physical pain

Super Meat boy is HARD. But you probably already know that. I have beaten about 200 levels, gotten 65 bandages and I think I finally hit the glass ceiling. You know why? Not because I don't think I can't do it (I totally can you guys, trust me) but it's because this game is not only damaging me mentally, but it is the first game that I have ever had physical pains from.
I find myself in intense hand pain when I'm done because I'm gripping the controller so hard that it hurts. My hands pull a Mr. Burns and instinctively curl up when I'm done playing a particularly hard/long session (heh, hard long session). I even find myself leaving a little dead skin on the controller after, which is super gross and means I'm not washing my hands good enough, which has less to do with SMB and more to do with poor personal hygiene. 
The point is, that this game is hard and painful, but I keep going back. This is the mark of a really fun game. Has anyone else had physical pains after playing a game? Or am I just crazy.