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I'm tired and the tryptophan is keeping me in a state of reduced brain function, while being too awake to fall asleep. If that made sense, at all, whatever. Silly, turkeys. How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was dece-this is not why I made this topic! Grrr....

I'm tired of not being excited by a game. I'm tired of not having a game that draws me in, that makes me want to play when I'm not playing.

Where is my new Mass Effect?

Dude, where's my new engrossing video game?
Dude, where's my new engrossing video game?

Where is my new GTA IV?

Seriously. I can't find you, new all-encompassing awesome video game.
Seriously. I can't find you, new all-encompassing awesome video game.

Err...let's try, "Where is my new Oblivion?" for $500.

Fallout 3, are you the one I'm looking for?
Fallout 3, are you the one I'm looking for?


Alright, I know it would be hard to top this, but could I at least have a game that I enjoy as much as this?
Alright, I know it would be hard to top this, but could I at least have a game that I enjoy as much as this?

Why don't I have a game that makes me proud to be a gamer? Yeah, I bought Far Cry 2 for my first Holiday Season '08 gift. And it's a given, I'm disappointed. So obviously, there's no surprise for me staring at a half empty glass. But, at the same time, I feel like I'm not going to see one of those rare gems of a game come out for a very long time.

Am I wrong? Is Fallout 3 going to sweep me off my feet? Will that be Gears of War 2? Let's come from way out of left field, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts or MK vs. DCU? I'm serious, is my horizon so spectacular? These games, are they "good" in context of the year itself or are they "great" in the context of gaming? Hopefully that makes sense to you, because it sounded pretty Confucian in my head.

Christmas isn't too far off, in fact it's rapidly approaching. I've got a few games on my mind; e.g. Gears of War 2, Left 4 Dead, MK vs DCU, Fallout 3, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (from this list of five I'll only choose three.) Is this something to really look forward to, something that can make me too excited to sleep on Christmas Eve? Or are these games that might give me a few smiles and achievement points?

What is the state of gaming? Is the gloss of technical prowess, of graphical superiority a race that is blinding the industry to what matters, gameplay? Or am I tired from Thanksgiving, typing doom & gloom at 1:00 AM EST, and suffering from momentary pessimism as a result of a disappointing game experience?

What's the verdict? I'm tired and I don't want to be tired, anymore....

You Shook Me All Night Long

The walls were shaking,
The earth was quaking,
My mind was aching,
And we were making when you,
Shook Me All Night Long!

Sorry, the lyrical preface is necessary....

I went to an AC/DC concert last night! BAM! It blew my mind, literally. I am a rock & roll boy, a music lover, and one of those who is really hurt by the tragic turn of modern music. I've remained largely pessimistic on the subject and never believed that I would be able to see AC/DC live, I thought I missed that boat by a couple of decades. I was wrong, oh so wonderfully wrong.

It was brilliant, they are brilliant. The crew is as energetic as ever, as talented as ever, and no element of their performance and ability has been lost with the times. One of the most moving elements of the concert was the sheer aura, for lack of a better term, of pure excitement and joy the band exuded. They love what they do and the guys had fun, at the end of the day that's really what matters. They have chemistry with eachother and their fans and it's beautiful. From the giant blow-up doll in lingerie, masturbating (seriously,) to Angus Young stripping down to his shorts and mooning the crowd with his AC/DC boxers, the rock really rolled.

As I sang along with the music and pumped my fist, the audience went wild and the IZOD center flashed with the red light of electric horns so many viewers were wearing; I myself donned a "For Those About To Rock..." AC/DC t-shirt and wore the garb with pride.

A week earlier, my brother and I were talking about the concert in a state of feverish anticipation. He brought up an interesting point and it stands true. It goes like this, if you ever go to a concert, any concert, most bands (even the great ones) will play anywhere from two to four hits and the remainder of the set list will be random songs placed as filler; however, AC/DC is unique in this regard. The band doesn't have very many bad songs, in fact they have so few that I can count them on one hand. They played everything, with the unfortunate exception of "It's A Long Way To The Top." The list included:

-Highway To Hell
-Hell's Bells
-Back in Black
-Shoot To Thrill
-You Shook Me All Night Long
-For Those About To Rock
And many, many more.

I left both my voice and hearing in New Jersey, but I brought home an unforgettable experience. It was great to see Brian Johnson going crazy as he jumped around the stage with each pelvic thrust, fist-pounding and high-fiving the audience members, playing air guitar next to Angus as solo after solo ripped the stage apart. The bass was wild and when I tried to count the amplifiers I finally said, "Fuck it," there were too many to count. The floor, my beer, and my heart shook from the blasting music and the everbinding rule of AC/DC was proven once more. The rule being, this: The louder the AC/DC, the better the AC/DC. And this is one rule without an exception.

It was amazing to see a very aged Angus Young, doing his famous guitar-solo skip across the stage and jerking around on the ground, laying on his back as he tore away at the strings of his Gibson SG.

The concert concluded with an epic encore of "For Those About To Rock," as the band urged the crowd to sing along and the canons fired off in the 21-gun-salute! This whole blog probably resounds with a cheesy tone, cheesy language, and a cheesy narration. You know what? I don't care! It was amazing, really g-damn fucking amazing!

AC/DC is a legendary band and they know how to throw a legendary concert. An epic display of talent, excitement, and nostalgia make this one of the greatest experiences of my life. 5 Stars, AC/DC, 5 Stars! You rocked and I salute you!


I want to make more blogs....

But I am so g-damn luzy that I can't get myself to do it. So I'll talk randomly for a few minutes!

-My mom is on the phone and very mad, I think she's yelling at my brother.

-My mom said she would make me hotdogs, what the hell is taking so long?

-I just got that popcorn kernel out of my tooth, it was really wedged in there. Alas, lobster fork prevailed!

-I should be doing my homework, my report card wasn't too fancy.

-My mom just came in and yelled at me for not doing my science homework, but I want to do it in study hall. That's what the study hall is for anyway. amirite or amirite?!?!1

-I'm lazily glancing at my Spanish vocab, I have a test tomorrow. I'm jus't so luzy tho

-I want to enjoy my Wii. I'm not.

-I'm disappointed with Far Cry 2, but I'm still enjoying it. That map editor kinda sucks, that's some false advertising if I ever have seen it. You can't even make rivers! W-t-f, mate?!?! There is totally a video out there with that stupid South African dude showing how easy and wonderful the map editor is. Why I oughtta...

-I'm going to an AC/DC concert on Wednesday!!!! OH MEH GUD! I never thought I would be able to see them in my life time, I thought I missed that boat by a couple of decades. Good thing that I was wrong!!!!

-I. Want. BANJO-KAZOOIE!!!!!! Ugh, November 26th hurry up!

-But first, the NXE comes out on Sunday! I'm pretty pumped for it, it's looking sweet. And I think I actually want to make an avatar, so yup looks sweetz.

-Is looking to the left at the column of my friends' blogs, Oni's latest has a very funny title. "Left 4 Dead Left 1 Underwhelmed." lulz i c wut u did ther

-My mom just informed me that SHE DIDN'T EVEN START COOKING, YET! WHAAAAAT?!?!?! Grrrrrr!

-Come on Jeff, let's get those GiantBomb hoodies rollin'.

-Loves his jammy's. Yes, that is what I call my PJ pants. They're quite rad!

-I'd love to see Quantum of Solace, I have to get around to that sooner or later. Or maybe I'll just wait until it hits DvD/XBLM, that's what I usually do.

-Oh, that reminds me. I saw both Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk (Ed Norton,) finally! The Incredible Hulk is so much better than Iron Man, so me thinks. In facto, me thinks that The Incredible Hulk is the best super movie out there.

-And THAT reminds me, that this doesn't count out The Dark Knight yet. I haven't seen it, so no spoilers all you potential douche bags out there. I really want to see it, Batman Begins was amazing!

-I want Fallout 3 but I would much rather have Elder Scrolls V.




(5:52 PM EST) Alright, so I've got me some Far Cry 2....

But I can't play it yet (as of making this blog.) I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder,) so I have to go through a bunch of "rituals" (don't worry, the goats and virgins are safe for now) to get back into my room. It's also going to take a very long time to set up my new Xbox 360 Elite ('cuz of that OCD) and then I have to ask my mom to help me set up an XBL account. So anyway, this is just an update and I'll get back to whoever is batshit crazy enough to read this after everything is set up and I've clocked some legit time into my Far Cry 2. SO HANG IN THERE!

To be continued..... (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN!)

Edit: In retrospect, rituals is way to creepy of a term. I meant doing things in a certain order, washing my hands for a certain amount of time, etc....(6:05 PM EST)


(3:36 PM EST) I'm totally going to Best Buy to get....

An Xbox 360 Elite and Far Cry 2!!!!! Huzzah! At this moment my dad's in the shower and when he gets out, I'll have the adult I need in the car to be able to drive with my permit and we are going to cruise on down to the Best Buy! HUUUUZZZZAAAAHHHHH! Roflolamo, I'm so excited that I could wet myself. In fact, I don't want to do that, I should go off and take a piss! Brb...

lulz im back k? I'm so FUCKING excited. Jeez, I better come down. Ooose fraba, ooose fraba. Much better, kind of. Dudes, I'm mad psyched for this. I may even get to play the game tonight! But first I'll have to go through all my OCD crap to get into my room, then get rid of the friedbox360 and set up the Elite. Then I have to get my mom to help register an XBL account...Hopefully she does that, she doesn't like doing that crap late at night. Which is why I must get ready right after I get home. Ah, unless she is going to the movies. Yes, in case you have not noticed this is a blog where I talk to myself. I'm too excited to do anything else. If you don't like it, sue me!

as;dlkfjasd;fkjsfd;sjf;sjf;lqhweruioa/SDFASDFKAJSDklf! Ugh, tick tock, dad! Get movin'! >.>


Hmmm, I should probably get out of these pajama pants and get dressed. Then, when my dad gets out I will don my Cubs hat and we'll hit the road! I'll update those who (for some unfathomable reason) care about this, with another blog telling you about my latest exploits. Huzzah! See ya!


Daniel Craig: Great James Bond, or the Greatest James Bond?

Listen, I'm no heretic, I am a 007 fanatic. I've seen every single James Bond movie (thank you Spike TV 007 Days of Christmas Marathon,) many of them multiple times. And don't get me wrong, Sean Connery = the man. For the longest time he epitomized what it means to live on the edge, to be public enemy number one while saving the world at the same time. Without him, I couldn't shpeak like thish. Let me hahve a mahrtini, shhaken not shtirn. The namesh Bond, Jamesh Bond. I mean, how cool is that?!

But let's be real people, times change and to embrace the mindset that the past days are always the golden days is completely ridiculous. Sometimes change is good; of course not always, listen to music these days, it's truly disgusting (but that's another story best left for another day.) When James Bond began, he was not the suave lover-not-fighter we have seen over the majority of James Bond's film career. Rather than a reinvention, Daniel Craig has brought James Bond back to the series' roots. He is now the true James Bond, the James Bond that is feared by both friend and foe. James Bond is a rogue, he doesn't play by the rules, he doesn't care what damage he leaves in his wake, and he is no hero. He's an anti-hero.

I truly believe that Daniel Craig, over the course of a single movie, has surpassed Sean Connery as the best portrayal of this legendary secret agent. Not only do I believe that Casino Royale is the single best James Bond movie, it is also one of my favorite movies of all time. I know some people might view this as treason, because some people just can't accept the prospect of change; however, I now see Daniel Craig as the real James Bond, in fact I see him as the only James Bond. I'll also ask a question, will Daniel Craig's James Bond continue to be a prequel-series to the previous James Bond movies? Or after the next movie will the series pick up after the abomination that was Die Another Day? To be honest, I couldn't care less. As long as Craig-Bond keeps its current course, I'm happy as one can be.

I'm now in a state of feverish anticipation as I wait in angst for Quantum of Solace, will it live up to Casino Royale? Is it possible that it will be even greater?


I believe so. This is the first James Bond movie to be a direct sequel to its predecessor, this is a movie about vengeance. It asks the question of whether or not vengeance can truly bring solace. Can it? Will it? We will see.

Blog blog? Blog blog! Blog blog blog blog, blog blog blog? Blog.

What kind of word is "blog?" Just say it, "blog." Bl-ah-guh. Blog...

I've wanted to make a blog, but I'm way too lazy. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to writing, if I think it isn't perfect I won't accept it. Which means that I often have trouble expressing myself because I am too lazy to construct what I feel is a suitable piece of art, yes I consider writing an art (the highest form of art.) For instance, this blog itself isn't too spiffy. There is nothing special about it, nothing that says "holy shit, that was smooth." Where is my silky eloquence? Not here, it comes and goes as it pleases.
I mean, look at this. I joined on day one, I made a crappy blog entry three days in and later I deleted it upon realizing how shitty it was. Now it's October 17th and I'm just now writing an official "first" blog. This blog won't be about anything other than "blog," because quite frankly I'm just not in the "groove" right now to voice myself in a way that I can be proud of. If I can't be proud of it, why put it up here? I'm mad tired and this isn't so much of a blog as a, "I'll put more things up here in the future."

Blog blog...

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