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Best of 2010

BiggNife: Best of 2010

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  • What can I say that hasn't already been said? ME2 is a sequel that truly improves on the original in meaningful ways, and Bioware has created an amazing world with believable characters wrapped around entertaining action setpieces. My frothing demand for ME3 increases!

  • The fighting game genre is something I've always enjoyed from a distance, but the high learning curve of most fighting games prevented me from really getting into them in a meaningful way. But with SSF4, Capcom has finally made a fighter that is both easy to pick up and difficult to master. The ridiculous amount of content in this package more than justifies its price tag, even if you already own the original.

  • I get impatient pretty quickly, and as a result I usually hate difficult games. But SMB is structured in such a way that I never wanted to stop trying to get past those god damn buzzsaws. The amount of satisfaction that I got from beating the harder levels was more than worth the price of admission. In short: I HATE THIS GAME. FIVE STARS OUT OF FIVE.

  • I am the first to admit I am a big fan of high-concept ridiculousness, and Bayonetta has this in spades. It starts at a breakneck pace and never lets up. Also, the combat mechanics are incredibly well-designed, encouraging the player to play better by rewarding them with climax mode after successful dodging. I'm pretty excited to see what Platinum is cooking up next.

  • Alan Wake combines solid survival-horror gameplay with an excellent narrative that kept me engrossed from episode to episode. The lighting is great and really helps set the mood, and the pacing is top notch. I really hope Remedy gets to make a sequel, because this game deserves it.

  • I could probably write a laundry list of Heavy Rain's flaws: noticeable plot holes, inconsistent voice acting, clunky movement controls, and so on. But despite all that, I was excited to keep playing thanks to a gripping narrative and thrilling action sequences, as well as some really thought-provoking moral choices. Heavy Rain isn't perfect, but it shows that so-called "Interactive Fiction" can work, and I hope other developers follow Quantic Dream's example.

  • I swear the guys at HAL Labs and Good-Feel are magicians or something. Not only do the cloth-like visuals look amazing on the Wii, they also manage to outclass many of the polygon-pushing HD games on the PS3 and 360. I've never seen a game with so many clever ideas. It's absolutely bursting at the seams (no pun intended) with charm, and it's the perfect game for when I just want to relax and unwind.

  • I've never really been into the indie games scene, so this one caught me completely off-guard. VVVVVV has fantastic platforming that manages to present a challenge without ever being frustrating, and the flipping mechanic is used in a variety of ways throughout the adventure. Plus, it's only five bucks: Buy it!

  • Treyarch has finally proved that they're not just "that other Call of Duty team": Black Ops is by far their finest effort, and the main campaign definitely beats out Modern Warfare 2's. Some of the historical fiction gets a bit silly, but the pacing and intense action stays great throughout. And of course, the multiplayer is more of the same stuff everyone loves at this point.

  • Don't let the fact that this is on the PSP fool you - This is the real successor to Kingdom Hearts 2. Seeing the story through three different characters keeps the plot interesting, and the combat feels far more engaging and complex than the typical "mash X to win" combat of the other KH games. It's the best PSP game I've played in ages.