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On the Battlefield, with my Bad Company!

I bought Bad Company 2 a while back and it’s been fairly fun. Since then I’ve been convincing various friends and family to pick the game up because I was sure the experience would improve with proper team mates.

And boy did it ever. I wish more games were like this. Last night, myself and two squad mates went in and dominated game after game. Just the three of us working together was enough to turn the tide in most games.

We had a standard set up of Medic, Assault and Recon for the most part (our Recon was being a weirdo using the Type 88 with a red dot) and we were able to hold our front lines pretty well. We’d swap as the games called for it, if there was heavy vehicles we’d all swap to engineers and blow them away within seconds.

When attacking we’d penetrate enemy lines and work together to clear out any snipers or people firing away on gun placements. At one point the opposing team (which stayed largely the same for the four hours we played) swapped to mainly snipers. We did the same and the battle turned into a game of skill and marksmanship.

Playing like this radically changed the gaming experience and I hadn’t had this much fun in Bad Company until we went in as a team. We racked up so many points and achievements, Katajero one of my squad mates managed to rank up to around level 5 in one night, something which took me a while on my own.

If you haven’t already, you have to play the game like this! It is such a different experience, a much better experience than any other big shooters can give you.

Fantastic. It’s just a shame the Playstation Network doesn’t have more people with microphones (Ok I don’t have one yet, but I was in the same room as someone who did – and I’m intending to get one come payday!). Most games played online on the PSN are largely silent, with little team work. Everything changes when you do eventually employ a bit of battlefield camaraderie though!

As a side note: A fun kill, a squad of three enemies were speeding at us in a jeep, I couldn’t take it out with my rifle, but I was able to shoot the oil tanker they drove passed and blew them all to smithereens, I got an amusing "fuck you" private message sent to me after that multi kill.