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Liking Call of Duty is Beyond Me

Memories can lead to strange things, sometimes even impacting future feelings and opinions we may have towards a certain product, person, place, etc. This is exactly what happened to me with COD. Think of this what you will but most of my best teenage years memories are linked to playing Activision’s shooter with a group of random guys I’ve met on the internet, who I also proudly call my friends.

Being a high school student often comes with more free time than the rest of your life will throw at you. A time when I would turn on my console and was certain to find friends wanting to share a few (or sometimes many) COD games. There was the game playing part but more importantly there was a social aspect to it. Most people don’t understand it, but the same things you share with your friends around a beer, we shared around a domination flag. Those not in the know might be asking themselves “how can you possibly compare real life interactions to an over-a-mic videogame party.” Well try spending over two hours with your “real” friends every night and let me know how that turns out for you, they weren’t “people I knew” or “online friends”, they were just my friends. It wasn’t so much about how good that installment of the franchise was at the time, it was just hanging out. It didn’t matter how much I got killed by one man army noobtubers or last stand I was just glad to be part of it (the last statement could potentially be proven false by countless raging my family and friends witnessed). It was just a moment where you could say: everything in the “real” world is done for today, even if the games we’re far from perfect, everything else was.

Me and SlayinBKs
Me and SlayinBKs

Then comes the after high school life, people who were miles apart to begin with ironically went on their separate ways. With games set aside for most of them, the list of online friends started thinning out to leave place for the “last time online: 45 days ago” status underneath Player IDs. Full party domination nights faded into solo team deathmatches and all of a sudden this interesting part of my life was over. Every stun thrown, flag captured, killstreaks obtained and most importantly laughs shared turned into memories. No matter how much I’ve detested COD for a reason or another at certain times, reminiscing about these moments only brings a smile upon my face. Moments I once took for granted not realising they would one day end are now, except for a few YouTube videos, a mere thought of the past stuck in my head.

I now realise it was silly of me to think this would last forever, which brings me here. I got to thinking maybe not every call of duty since then has been bad, maybe they we’re actually really good yet I couldn’t enjoy them at all. I don’t blame Treyarch or Infinity Ward for ruining a franchise that was so near and dear to my heart anymore. I realised it wasn’t their fault, it was mine, for expecting something that was no longer possible. I put this ridiculous weight on my shoulder ever year to keep playing and to continue doing well because it’s just what I do, but actually it’s what I used to do, I failed to recognize that until now. I sometimes wonder if I even liked the games to begin with, for the same exact reason I thought I hated the new iterations, but after going back to them I proved myself wrong. It’s so nice to just be able to play Call of Duty now, not caring, no frustrations and no pressure to constantly do well. I feel like an old veteran telling war stories: “I may only have a 1.50 kill to death ratio now, but back in my days we used to be the best.”

I encourage Activision to keep making the game I once loved so much, at least so the future generation of players might find a similar experience to mine. It’s finally time for me to hang the controller so to speak, I will no longer expect COD to give me the same experience it once did, the game was just a reason for me to unite with amazing people every night. Although it may have taken me a while, I have finally moved on. It is bittersweet to say goodbye but living in the past, no matter how fondly you remember it, can’t make these memories a thing of the present.

The following should have been said 3 years ago but it’s never too late. To Amputee53, Anowicki23, Asmodeus_6, bleedREDandWHITE, CR2OKS, dapaintrain, Dokuxeii, DutchDrummer, Dyclif, ElPolloLoco, Ezay_Oiler, Genocide_Gunner, GloomySkies, ImNotryHard, JayFoe82dm, jdw_golfer, Mr_Glass23, Scrap-Tastic, SlayinBKs, TdotThai, ThElcyPEnGUiN, Toumouz, VinciKong and WarrenLightning. Thank you.

“I think I knew that deep down those days were past, but I never really wanted to accept it. I can without a doubt say that the times I spent with you guys online were one of the very few happy parts of my life during that 2/3 year span. I absolutely miss them and would give a lot to have them back, but as you said, we have all moved on and they are past each of us. Each and every night spent online with our little group was a blast, and I wouldn't change a single minute if I could. I can and always will proudly call every one that I know on that list a friend of mine. It brings me such joy to remember those times because it makes me forget just how shitty everything outside of it was. So thank you. Maybe one day in the future some of us can dust off our PS3s and play a few games of something, for old time’s sake.”

- jdw_golfer / Matt

“Nostalgia is an extremely powerful feeling, and the stage of my life I probably feel most nostalgic for is the adolescence I spent playing Call of Duty with you guys. CoD proved to be an excellent medium for friendship. The game was merely the experience shared by a bunch of people that spent a lot of time with each other, and used that time to relax, laugh, and work together. The game was secondary to the people. I know those days can’t come back, but there are a lot of reasons I wish they could. I guess that’s why I’ve bought every installment except Ghosts and am considering AW. Alas, people are busy and it’s harder to get the time and technology lined up than it used to be. If we can’t get the band back together—and I suspect that we can’t—then all I have to say is thanks to everyone for being the best part of the hobby that defined my youth.”

- Mrglass23 / Tyler

“As the newer COD’s started to come out we all kind of drifted away to start playing different games on different systems. Back then we all had a lot of free time meaning we would all play COD together for hours on end and had a blast. It was either from sharing laughs because of Bill or pretty much us just hanging out having a good time enjoying some good old MW2 and Black Ops. Hell we even GB’ed together for a while and had our fun Michael Myers sessions. We also got to play with some Youtubers, I’m talking to you Scotty, Dyclif, Icy, Doku, Glass, BK’s, Bill, shit there is too many to list. Sure the games were far from perfect but being in our group completely changed that and made the experience one of the best things that has happened in my life so far and I truly miss it. I could call every one of you a good friend and as JD said hopefully we can all play some old COD’s someday to relive the memories from the past 3 years or so.”

- Anowicki23 / Austin

“I remember when I used to call this game (MW2) unbalanced trash and said I couldn’t wait for the new CODs. Little did I know, I would be reminiscing about this very game and the players I logged on with years later. Honestly, I wouldn’t trade any minute of spawn camping shitters while insulting each over our mics for anything in the world. It was definitely inevitable that we would all part ways from the game and each other, but I do hope our time together was enjoyable for me as it was for all of you guys. We should definitely log in one day and laugh at our rusty aiming.

P.S. F*ck you bill for stealing what would’ve been my very first Gunship in Blops 1, I’m still f*cking mad.”

- TdotThai / Stephen

“Past generations will never truly understand the joy of online gaming. I remember back when my friend first got a PS3 and set it up for online play for the first time. It was an absolutely mind-blowing time in my life. The idea of multiple people playing with and against each other online was inconceivable to me. Once I was able to play online for myself, I started getting into a game called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. From 2009 to now (November 14, 2014) I've met my fair share of "random" people. Over the course of my time playing the Call of Duty series and other online games, I went through about three different groups of friends. Since I was into competitive Call of Duty, meeting new friends and truly connecting with each other drastically increased. Now that I'm older and people have gone their separate ways, those past friendships are starting to fade. Some already have faded away and there's nothing I can really do about it. People make different progressions as time goes on. On the other hand, there's still communication with a select few of my online friends. Sometimes, I wonder if that communication will be lost one day. That's just something nobody knows and is uncontrollable, but one thing is certain... The memories that were made throughout the course of online gaming with my friends will not be forgotten. The multiple personalities meshing together and trying to complete one main objective in a video game never got old. We just got old. No matter what the future holds, there will always be a past to remember.”

- Dyclif / Dylan

“Now finally in medical school and swamped with classes, exams, and hospital work, I sometimes look back and would give anything to be able to recapture the gaming days of the past. One game. Six people—spread out over an entire continent, yet we couldn’t be closer. Thank you guys for the greatest video game experience I’ve had, and ever will have. It will not be forgotten.”

- SlayinBKs / Andrew

“Unfortunately, my days of trolling 12-year-olds online were basically over once I graduated high school. I didn’t bring my PS3 with me to college, as I would not have had the time. I did hop back on the PSN when I was back home on break, though, but it was mostly just to reminisce. I would not take back a single moment of the time I spent will all you guys.

A few of my favorites:

-Making other parties of 6 rage quit from SND. lol u mad

-Our crazy clutches in SND. I’m talking to you, Bill.

-Your ace on Sub base with silenced MP5k

-My M16 ace on Skidrow.

-My 4-man AK47 spray on Karachi. They were all hiding in the back LOL

-Watching SlayinBKs trying to clutch with an m1011 while drunk. I think we were playing on strike.

-CAPTURE THE FLAG. We were so good until everyone stopped playing it.

-Singing songs in the pregame chat.

I tell my friends today that I used to be so good at COD. If I picked up a controller today, though, it would not be pretty… Miss you guys. “

- Amputee53 / Dean

“Playing COD with you guys were some of the best times of my life. When I was going through good or bad times, I knew I could hop on my PS3 and have great times with all of you and just forget my problems or make the good even better. Whenever I play COD now it is very nostalgic because it will never be the same as before but that is ok because it just makes what we had more special. I wouldn't trade one moment playing MW2 with you guys or playing GBs with The Bakery. It really wasn't about the game it was just about having fun and sometimes that got lost but in the end we always stilled played together because we are friends. So thank you all for being part of my life and sharing a laugh or two. Hopefully we can all reunite soon and relive the glory days.”

- ElPolloLoco20 / Alex

“I enjoyed every game session played with the lot of you guys and a lot of great memories and friendships resulted of these. I will cherish all of them for as long as I can hold a controller.”

- Toumouz / Thomas

“Playing this game with you guys was probably the best part of some of the darkest years of my life. I had amazing times with amazing people whom I’ve never even met before, and very rarely was there a time during those countless hours I wasn’t enjoying myself. Our experiences made my teenage years bearable, and I love you all for that more than you’ll ever know. And although we’ve all moved on in our paths in life, I won’t ever forget any of my brothers in arms, and the fantastic times we’ve had.”

- GloomySkies / Jak

“We all knew those days couldn’t go on forever, but I did (and still do) miss it. I play the new Call of Duty games and they just don’t feel the same. I could never put my finger on what it has been about them, so I have just brushed them all off as bad gameplay, but now I know. I can never replace the experience I had before. I had some of the best of friends and that just changed everything about the game. I enjoy playing them every now and then, but now it’s not as serious as it used to be. I don’t have any reason to strive to do better than the rest of my friends list. I don’t have to worry about having the best K/D AND the best W/L ratio. I can play the game without care; and that makes it very enjoyable. But no matter how much I don’t care about it and try to enjoy it, I know that I will never have the times I used to.

I’ll never be able to convey exactly how much those times mean to me and how much they affected me. I still get on my PS3, but almost never to game… I still get on my old “dapainetrain” account (now banned) and scroll through my friends list that’s saved. It’s crazy to think that just a gaming franchise changed my life. I’m happy I had the times I did with these people. I haven’t met a group that can compare to what we were. I’ve been trying for a long time to find a game that can make me feel the way Call of Duty did, but I think now, this has shown me the realization I won’t find that again in a game.

Hopefully one day, we can pull the consoles out of the attic and play one last game together. You guys were some of my best friends and I thank you for the times you gave me. Thank you for being there for me.”

- Dapainetrain / Caleb