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@dixavd: Very true. I always felt weird about FFX because so many people seem to love it and despite enjoying the likes of FFI, FFVI, FFVII, etc, something about X just doesn't do it for me even though the game mechanics and premise aren't all that different from past entries. If I had to put a finger on why I'm not into it it's probably because like Skyward Sword, the game railroads you throughout the whole adventure. Plus the story and protagonist aren't very interesting to me but again a lot of people love it.

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I don't have many that I haven't started, but I have a fair bit that I still need to finish......eventually

  • Ni No Kuni (might never finish because the combat sucks so much)
  • Persona 4
  • Final Fantasy VI (loads up save file...."What was I doing again? Where do I go?")
  • REmake HD
  • Final Fantasy X (love the series but this one just isn't doing it for me)
  • Bloodborne (Nighmare of Mensis........ugh)
  • Dark Souls II

I love my RPGs but they're soooooooo loooooong.

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Performance-wise they both basically play the same. But on the Wii U you get to dress up like Peach, Link, and Samus Aran.

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The thing you'll eventually realize about Android is that there are stock apps for most common functionality (SMS, Phone, Calendar, etc) and a Google equivalent. The reason is because unlike Apple which controls both the hardware and software of their platform, Google allows 3rd party phone manufacturers to customize the versions of Android they distribute on their hardware. So you're likely to get a lot of manufacturer-developed apps loaded onto your phone along with the Google equivalents. Basically just pick what you like the most and ignore the rest.

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@oursin_360: I assume that was before the HD collection came out? NA PS2 copies of ICO have fallen in price drastically since its release.

My most expensive old game purchase was probably my copy of Super Metroid. Paid $90 CAD for it but I had a $62 credit at the store I bought it from so I don't know if it qualifies for this thread. I wanted a physical copy of it because its one of my all time favourite games but I probably wouldn't have bought it if I didn't have the credit. I don't often buy physical copies of old games any more because the prices on them just become more and more astronomical over time and if a digital re-release is available, it just isn't worth the premium for the novelty of a physical copy IMO.