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Guess I need a PS4 before the end of the year. Glad I already have a Wii U!

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Back into the swing of things!

Well, after a very long hiatus, I'm back. I've been very active on Giantbomb, but only in a lurking sense. Quick looks and reviews mostly. But after going through my previous blogs here, then somehow ending up on Gamespot and reading all my old ones there, I felt I should start blogging again. (Or at least do one now!)

One thing I miss about game spot is the Collection aspect. I know there is a List function on this site. It feels really clunky to me. I think I may make a post on the forums about upgrading that.

As far as gaming goes. I am still playing World of Warcraft. Yes, I know, how sad. But I'm sorry, while it is addicting, it is a great game. You can't deny that. Patch 3.3 just hit and my guild is already 4/12 in Icecrown Citadel, woot!
Also we finally downed 10 man Anub hardmode, double woot!! I know I always say this and nobody has every done it, but if you play or are going to start or transfer servers, look me up!

Kainz on Kilrogg - US is currently my "main".

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, On to more game talk! I finish MW2's single player. I thought the story was ok, but a little over the top. The online is amazing, just as the first game's was. I suck, but still have fun. I'm also about 30 hours into Dragon Age and have only scratched the surface. What an amazing game! Assassin's Creed 2 is still on my to get list, maybe for Christmas?

Looking forward, with the recent quick look for Dante's Inferno, I'm really excited. People are calling it a God of War ripoff, which obviously it is. But still, I find myself more excited for that than the actual third game in the series. Also Darksiders is looking promising as well. I love the idea of playing out the Apocalypse, as one of the Four Horsemen! Other than that, FFXIV looks interesting as well as The Old Republic and even Star Trek Online. I love me some MMOs!

Ok I'm gonna call it, I'm oscar mike!
