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It does make me wonder how they were originally going to roll this news out. Like was some Nintendo Direct just going to be like “guess what, somehow Sea of Thieves is being ported to the Switch 2!” Or was it going to be mentioned at a more formal Xbox presentation in the next 6 months?

Does anyone else remember when exactly this happened for Ori & the Blind Forest??

Like, on a Nintendo Direct in 2019, just announced an xbox exclusive coming to another console, being published by Microsoft, and the world not ending????

Ori And The Blind Forest, Former Xbox Exclusive, Is Coming To Switch - GameSpot

That's what i don't get with this past week's discourse, as it had happened already, and it didn't seem to dissolve XBOX into 3rd party only, like SEGA.

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I thought it was just me getting spammed withthe Govt. of Alberta adverts, as its where i live, but getting them in Ontario is mental!!

there are two Alberta Gov ads running at the moment, one astroturfing the Federal Government, and another about Alberta Pension Plans (Canada had CPP canadawide, Albertas basically been trying to Secede from govt. power for a while in Hyper-Conservative circles, and the current person in power is part of the right wing nutters that also helped birth teh Trucker Convoys, so yeah...)

so @dtoast if there's anything with Canadian adverts seeing Govt Alberta, just know they are pretty shitty atm.

And i say this as a premium mamber who just forgets to unsub the ad versions on my podcatcher, thinking "well, any revenue extra is good?"

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@bigsocrates: Technically, Nintendo were the last holdout. They still had floor showings in 2019, which was the last big in-person event, with Microsoft doing their own thing over the way (helps when you own another conference hall) so really its more the fact it'll just be 3rd party publishers on deck at the E3 hall.

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@shindig said:

In terms of retail releases, there was always a bit of chicanery going on when Grainger Games were still in business. I assume it worked for all releases but I would always get word of them selling Pro Evolution Soccer a day early. Once they had the go-ahead from head office, I snapped a copy up.

Ah, Grainger Games! with it's Skip-esque Orange everywhere. The old store was great when i lived in the Toon for a few years, but it blew up (in all meanings of the word) was too quickly!

I've been reading 20 year old Penny Arcade comics every day for pure unfiltered 2002 nostalgia. One thing I learned -- and don't think I realized at the time -- Metroid Fusion leaked as a ROM like a month ahead and I guess GBA emulators existed at the time? That's kind of crazy to have such a huge release so readily available like that.

Feel like a decade ago breaking street date was common for big games like CoD but don't hear about it much anymore.

I remember this!! it was how i first played the game until i could buy a copy!

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So, with all the big releases underway, it's that time of year that people are trying to dodge spoilers for the newest games as people manage to get their hands on copies before the intended release date, and it made me think, have any of the Duder's here got a tale of getting a game before release??

I've got 2 tales I can recall, to start:

Headhunter(Dreamcast - 2001)

So, this one was a true Found-on-the-Store-Shelf, street date broken find. I was 15 years old at the time, and my main console was the Sega Dreamcast. I had saved up doing paper routes and purchased the console through a Catalogue (Littlewoods, back in the UK) and it came with Sonic Adventure, Omikron - The Nomad Soul, and a VMU to save (which didn't turn up for 2 weeks after the console, but that's another story) but as we all know the Dreamcast's fate in that generation, it wasn't exactly high on store's stocking lists when it came to new games but that didn't stop me reading gaming magazines and wanting everything.

So, imagine my surprise when I went out to town one weekend, and did my usual routine of hanging out with friends, and trawling the game shops, of which there were two big ones at the time. GAME was the main chain (like Gamestop for the UK) and the other store, Gamestation, was a much smaller company at the time, focusing more on trade-ins to sell but it did mean they had some awesome stuff that wasn't common, like selling imports (I will always regret not picking up the Wonderswan Pocket and NEOGEO Pocket Color that were in there) but they would always have one wall display of the newest games. Looking over the walls for any decent deals on trade in's, as they were usually 2 games for 15 for Dreamcast stuff, imagine my surprise at seeing Headhunter on the shelves, and not just one copy, multiples.

Thinking there was something weird, i went over to the magazine section, picked up the dreamcast magazine, and looked to the new releases section. There was Headhunter, for sale on Friday, November 16th, 2001. Only problem is today was Saturday 5th... oh my. Two weeks early??? so, of course I took it over to the till to see if they would act weird, or say we couldn't buy it yet. Nope, just outright sold it to me!

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Playstation 3 - 2008) thu jun12

This one was much luckier, as it wasn't an in-store pickup, but I had the game pre-ordered through (now Rakuten) as they did decent deals on pre-orders, and with all the hype surrounding this game, I thought it was safer getting it shipped to home instead of fighting in shops for a copy. So when the game was set to release on June 12th, 2008 (a Thursday release?) you could say i was surprised when it turned up at my door on the Monday.

The biggest thing i remember from this one, was due to the timing and the joys of always online with the ps3, when i started playing the game, it showed up as my Currently Playing, causing a torrent of amusing messages from my friends list, mostly asking how i got it, except one friend who was super excited for it, who sent a screed of abuse because he wanted to play it first. Sucks to be him.

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It's such a shame, but understandable with today's economy, for how high its priced.

Being in Canada, to get the Horizon Bundle (as my SO loves the series, its the only thing she'd be interested in on it) would be around $830 after tax, and that's mental to me

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i had this, and Sonic Adventure, with my Dreamcast that my parents ordered from a catalogue.

it stayed on for 3 days until my VMU arrived....

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#9  Edited By bodger0ne

I've been listening to Architects new album a load whilst working (yay, warehouse jobs)

Nice mix of melody, vocal range, and just good music all round really, linking one of my fav tracks from it

Goliath (ft. Simon Neil of Biffy Clyro)

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well, isn't this following what Bethesda always do?? show at E3 time (RIP) and then launch at the end of the year?

Off the top of my head, that['s what happened with Fallout 4, Skyrim, and Oblivion IIRC. Unsure about FO76 though.

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