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Oh shit, adding more to my gaming wishlist


I dunno why, maybe I found a whole different kind of package, but the last time I was digging up prices about EoLC I thought I had to pay 20 bucks individually for The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and the Damned. And I was confused on whether or not I needed the original game with it. EITHER WAY, I’m really happy about this. I think I mentioned this before but EoLC crashed on me all the time when I was playing it on Steam, to the point where I couldn’t play it at all. And I had given up on rebuying it for a while because I thought getting it for PS3 was going to be twice as expensive as the discounted price I got GTA IV + EoLC on Steam.

I get really bugged about re-buying games because they didn’t work on one platform (I had to deal with that with Bioshock 2), but I don’t mind THIS price nearly as much. Especially since I thought it was going to be way more expensive than it actually was.

I'm also planning on getting a PS2 because I want GTA: Vice City/Liberty City stories pretty bad. I was thinking of getting a PSP for it, but those two games would pretty much be the only reason I'd be buying a PSP at all. And since my sister wants an ass ton of games on the PS2 that she can't get on the PS3, PS2 IT IS.

Holy crap, I'm seriously excited about getting all of this sometime.


To Online Gaming Gals

I never feel one hundred percent comfortable talking about this kind of thing. I'll make jokes about stereotypical gender-specific gamers (like the Call-of-Duty-Angry-Internet-Tough-Guy gamer or the Just-So-You-Know-I'm-A-Girl-Did-I-Mention-I'm-A-Girl gamer), but I usually don't talk about it seriously. It's not that I don't have my own opinions. Sexism sucks ass. But most of the time? I don't care if I'm playing with men or women, as long as we're having fun.

But it doesn't mean hearing the occasional misogynistic comment, even if it's not aimed at you, is easy to hear. I've personally never been picked on for being a female gamer. I have a lot of awsome guy friends that I game with regularly. If anyone's ever pointed out I was female in games like Team Fortress 2 or Battlefield, it was never bad and I usually joked along with them. But last night after hearing a handful of derogatory comments about other women in a round of Destructoid's TF2sday yesterday made me think back to how a lot of my female friends are afraid of diving into online gaming, or have had bad experiences doing so in the past.

It's hard for me to talk in my position, especially as someone who's "never been there". But there is one thing I want to say. Ladies, don't let assholes get you down. But if there's an online game you have fun with, or you're really interested in trying out? Don't be afraid to. While I'm usually of the opinion "screw everyone else, let's just have fun", that absolutely does not mean you have to take other people's bull. I don't want to pretend that sexism doesn't happen. I've seen and heard a lot of jerks saying a lot of horrible things to ever even try to do that. But to quote Greta Christina...

"And in saying, 'I can’t win, so I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want to do,' we can create the beginnings of a victory. We can create the beginnings of a world where we really can win."

For every idiotic thing that happens in the world, gaming or otherwise, there's awesome people and awesome things too.


Game Burnout

Man. Sometimes when I'm going through my list-of-games-I-seriously-need-to-finish, I get really antsy because I wanna get my list done already. Which is a bummer because I stop having fun. It might be because some of these games I actually played before, but quit in the middle. So it might be that I just wanna finish that last part already? Eugh, I dunno

I guess you could call it burnout. You would think the logical conclusion would be to, you know, take a break from playing them. But I wanna finish them SO BAD at this point that I'm just making it worse for myself so long story short: shjflkashjfhjaksfewruyw.

But on the bright side, so far playing Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory? I'm actually having a ton of fun, so I'm SO glad it's not the case right now.


Games I need to finish this year

Confession: partly because of Steam sales and partly because I'm a lazy ass, I got a handful of games I still haven't finished yet. So or my 2012 New Years Resolution I decided I was gonna finish them, along with this other list I made of a bunch of movies I still wanna see. So I figured since I got a GB account now and this blog thing, why not post about it? I've been chipping at them and got rid of a chunk already (I started with GTA IV and III first, so you can probably figure out what took me so long), so here's what I got so far that I still need to finish:

- Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (working on this one right now)

- Splinter Cell: Double Agent (... yeah, I know, but I still feel like I should finish it)

- Hitman

- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

- Hitman: Blood Money

- Dead Space

- Deus Ex (the first one)

- Borderlands

Some of those longer ones I'm saving for last because after doing the GTA games first? I figured if I want to make my list shrink any time soon I better start small. Or in this case, short. There's also iPhone app I got called the iCollect's been handy about keeping this all straight for me. You can basically archive all the games you own into one place and do all kinds of cool stuff to keep things organized, so that's been REALLY helpful.

Anyway, so yeah! Wish me luck!


After seeing more of Downpour...

I think this review and anything my sister + Matt and Pat from the Two Best Friends Play series have said on it accurately sums up my view of the game. I’d make a thing in my own words, but god I’m tired. And yet I feel like talking about it anyway.

ANYWAY. Yeaaaaah, I still don’t like it. If you like it, that’s cool. This isn’t an attack you or your family or your dog/cat/iguana. I just personally don’t find it that well-made of a game. I never had much of an opinion on the “newer” Silent Hills before Downpour either (I think from what I remember I just felt “eh okay” on any of them), but this one specifically I just find just bad.

EH. Life goes on, I just felt like stating my (slightly) more detailed opinion on this obviously very important thing. Silent Hill Downpour sucks IMO and vidja games are super serial holy fuck.


Mafia and the Grand Theft Auto comparisons

It REALLY bugs me when people dismiss Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven and Mafia II because they were expecting it to be more like Grand Theft Auto.

I know in the past, even when the first game was still new, that it’s been compared to Grand Theft Auto. And I love GTA just as much! But if you’ve played either/both games, going into them with that mindset is gonna set you up for some bad dissapointment. It has it's similiarties and it has it's differences, but the differences become the most glaring. If you’ve played them you know, there's a lot of things different about Mafia and GTA. If I could make a little venn diagram here, I would. One of those more glaring differences would be the fact that Mafia is MUCH more linear that GTA. Does that make it a bad game? Absolutely not. In my personal opinion, not every game on the planet needs to be a sandbox/open-world game to be good, but that’s gonna be another story for another day.

But to anyone who is considering playing the games, just see them the way they are. There’s nothing awful about comparing a game to another game (even if stupid fanboy wars are usually the result of 'em), but if you base your reason for liking Mafia on whether or not it’ll be like GTA it’s really easy to miss what a gem it is on it’s own.

… though if you weren’t doing any of this and still didn’t like it (and you weren’t playing the really bad port of the first game), ehhhhhh. I wouldn’t fault you. Opinions is opinions is opinions.



Even when Sam Fisher is just talking to his daughter, Michael Ironside makes it sound like he's still gonna strangle somebody.

And I'm only playing the first Splinter Cell.