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Playing some nice games.

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Top Games of 2017

I enjoyed some games in 2017.

Planning on playing these soon: Wolfenstein II, Nioh, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, and Night in the Woods.

List items

  • A collection of surreal and tragic tales of the lives and deaths of the Finch family members. It's short and well paced, with many memorable and touching moments.

  • I'm very happy to be taking my plumber through weird 3D landscapes once again. I love how often you are rewarded for your curiosity and the layers of challenge as you keep digging.

  • Open world zelda, not yet finished all the quests. Would have liked dungeons but puzzle shrines compensate for it somewhat. Need to try the DLC.

  • Very very solid Metroidvania. You explore an abandoned bug-kingdom. World building is excellent.

  • Great big big world. Challenging. New armour/magical armour is a good addition.

  • Came to this pretty late after strong word of mouth built up over 2017. It experiments with the mechanics of story-telling within games.

  • PUBG gives me such an adrenaline rush that I'll avoid playing it if I'm feeling particularly anxious or fragile, in which case I'll just watch someone else play it.

  • Creepy but not jump scary, almost Lovecraftian. I especially love/hate the mechanic where you have to barricade yourself in buildings overnight, reaching dawn is such a relief.

  • XCOM-lite combat with solid reverence to the Mario IP.

  • Odd, satisfying. Most fun when you learn to let go, who knew. Foddy <3.