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2013 Finished Games Post - Metro: Last Light Faction Pack DLC

Games I've finished in 2013:

1/15 - ZombiU [Wii U]

2/13 - Omerta: City of Gangsters [PC]

2/29 - Valkyria Chronicles [PS3]

3/19 - Batman: Arkham City [PC]

3/23 - Orcs Must Die! 2 [PC]

3/29 - Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC [PC]

4/3 - Dead Space 3 [PC]

4/10 - Dead Space 3: Awakening DLC [PC]

4/25 - Surgeon Simulator 2013 [PC]

4/29 - Professor Layton and the Curious Village [3DS]

5/1 - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy [3DS]

5/3 - Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon [PC]

5/11 - Metro: Last Light [PC]

6/5 - Prime World: Defenders [PC]

6/16 - The Swapper [PC]

6/28 - State of Decay [X360]

7/1 - The Last of Us [PS3]

7/3 - Tomb Raider [PC]

7/3 - The Walking Dead: 400 Days [PC]

7/13 - Dark [PC]

7/14 - Hotline Miami [PC]

7/18 - Metro: Last Light Faction Pack DLC [PC]

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If you haven't heard, there's DLC for Metro: Last Light that came out recently. For $5, you get three new single player missions. None of them involve the core game's protagonist Artyom, or even forward the story at all. They're one-off situations that each put you in the role of a member of three different factions. There's a shooting gallery-esque Reich mission, a stealth Red mission, and the highlight - a survival-horror scavenging Polis mission.

The Reich mission is very short and rather throwaway. The Red mission is fun but kind of easy and slightly short as well. But the Polis mission is something pretty great. It feels like a minigame in and of itself and will likely keep you busy for several hours. It's got problems of its own but they're overshadowed by the overall experience.

As we speak, my video review for this is rendering, and it goes much more in-depth. I'll post that as soon as it's up.