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Stream of consciousness: Social Media and Depression

This is an experiment for a blog I like to call "stream of consciousness" a mostly unedited write up of things on my mind at the time. I think a more real way of writing may add to it but if you like how i write and don't like how its edited let me know and I can change the style for others enjoyment. If no one lies it thats fine too. I think writing and publishing is just another way to express my thoughts in a good way. any who...

Social Media and Depression

Despite what you might see from what i look like Im not a totally young person anymore. 27 years old and yea, I know someone older is gonna say that’s not old but I’m speaking more about getting further and further from the age where going out every night is the norm. Even if I wanted to go every night I couldn't. I was laid off from my position a while ago and through a long and arduous process I was able to get my school paid from the government.

Going back to school at this age has its disadvantages: Its been a long time since I've had to study or take my work home or learn hours and hours of new things daily. Making sure I have money for food and rent and thats most of my week. O and watching the good wife. sue me.The other part of the puzzle is that I'm for the most part an introvert so after a day of talking in school i need time to recharge. Im pretty happy with my life and how i live it. Ill be happily sitting messaging a couple people and watching a movie.

…….Then ill look at social and get depressed. Ill see a group of acquaintances talking about going out and i suddenly feel like I’m wasting my time or that i should also be going out.

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Social media has been one of the best and worst things to happen in the 21st century. With things like twitter and Facebook you are able to be more connected with people who know and people respect then ever. You can know about events you might not have ever heard and news stories within minutes. it makes the world a little bit smaller and makes us all feel a little bit more connected.

The problem though is that you can pick and choose exactly the parts of your life that you want to present. This isn't anything new. People since the dawn of time have presented themselves as what they want to be rather then what they are. The difference now is that this behaviour is now available in an on demand feed in multiple places. Almost every status is about something great they are doing or thing they accomplished. Every picture is the best selfie out of 15 and the rest are of them having the best time of their lives with the person they love the most.

There have been a lot of studies in the past few years about how people who go on Facebook more are often more depressed and its not hard to understand; Seeing a constant highlight reel of everyone you know can make you think your life is insignificant in comparison. Often these feeds are seen with the absence of the lows.

Remember that as humans there are highs and lows. Everyone has times where they feel like they are not sure what they should do and where they should go even if they don’t say it. Also for the most part everyone else's life but yours isn't the roller coaster twitter would claim. Some people need constant parting and a large group of friends. Others like the occasional time out with their close group and relaxing the other times. Both are just as valid.

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That last paragraph is mainly a reminder for myself but if you've ever felt like I have on that quiete night alone maybe you'll feel better.


Blog a Day 16: Vidja Games (comic vine reprint

 note: i do a blog a day on comic vine but im finding i speak more about video games at times. those posts will also be posted here though the main blog will also be on my comic vine page which you can get to directly at or follow me there if ya like what you read)
 Hello once again everyone! in twenty minutes it will be friday. isn't that great? i think so. espically because i have a four day weekend coming up. and i plan on catching up on some comics (hoping to try a review for every comic i read this weekend. crazy right?) and some video games. anyway random thoughts:
O ordered wonder woman the circle and batman chronicles on amazon. i should have that tomorrow so i'm real excited about that. i was recommended wonder woman by a friend and when i heard it was gail simone writing i was in. i'm epically excited cause new wonder woman has sucked so much. 
O yes i said video games didnt I? so i'm continuing playing Professor Layton. that game makes me feel stupid at times. or is the game hard? who else has played this? let me know. 
Also played more sonic colours. played a level i absolutely hated but finally got through it after like 15 tries. don't do that to me sonic colors. i like you.   
more wii this weekend too. want to finish some more phoenix wright. after playing professor Layton finally i am so fucking excited a bout that cross over. too bad it will take a year to come here huh? 
as for tv. new its always sunny on. is that show ever awful? the answer is no. i hope you didnt say yes. cause youd be wrong. and you dont want to be wrong. 
anyway im rambling. but in my defense i have since i started these blogs. but seriously sleep time.  
Lata Y'all  
Brad Brains 
PS: gonna try to avoid so many one paragraph sentences next time in these blogs. jesus.