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Five months. Five effin' months.

And man, did I go out whining like a little brat. 
Sounds about right, that's me afterall... 
Anyway, lemme see. I've got about five months to catch up... Well, my achievements haven't gone unnoticed, considering every-damn-thing on my page is "BraindeadRacr unlocked X-achievements!". Whaddabout some half-assed dimwitted reviews to make up for the seemingly vaporized 'follower'-base that I have left? 


Fat Princess. All that is wrong with cute, done right. This is like Mario 64-gone-to-America. Instead of saving Peach, we take her on a roadtrip past every Denny's and Burger King, see how much junk we can cram down her yapper in order to make her too heavy to be stolen by Bowser and chuck her fat ass into jail. It's strangely complicated for a game which has about as much controls as Pong; Class system that's alike to your basic World of Warcraft ideals - Warrior is close offense, Ranger is mid-offense, Mage is mid-offense slash mid-support and Priest is mid-support and a wee-bit offense. 
And there's this Worker class that's more or less a hybrid of 'em all which can build/scavenge/slow/etc, but they're more or less lemmings midway through the match. 
The story to this game is like Oprah Winfrey's life flipped backwards... When looking at it after having about fifteen bottles of grain whiskey. The princess' found cake; Ate the cake; Got addicted to cake; Now everyone wants the princess'! 
Oh, and it benefits greatly from a microphone... Which the game suffers greatly of, cause unlike the X360 where EVERY-GODDAMN-ONE has one of those things, damn near no-one has one for the PS3. I got one of 'em Bluetooth things and call me old fashioned, but I prefer the old bulky wired X360/ordinary headphone myself.

BORDERLANDS: MAD MOX... Whatever the hell her name was, bottom line it sucks -_-

Shit... screwed myself on that one, the title said it. 
Why? Well, it's a meh reason, but compare it to the Zombie Island add-on. Same price, same ideal, same... What the hell; All in all, it's Gears' Horde mode on crack. It's crazy, it's wild, it's short, and it does not fit. Wasteland survival gone Big Brother. Wasteland survival gone Horde/Survival/Firefight/Spec-Ops/all those others. It's just a little bit of a cheap shot(irony) given that Zombie Island was worth the cash... And that this one is such a rip off. 
And uhhh, I ran out of anything else to say >.> 
Adios amigos.


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Edited By BraindeadRacr

And man, did I go out whining like a little brat. 
Sounds about right, that's me afterall... 
Anyway, lemme see. I've got about five months to catch up... Well, my achievements haven't gone unnoticed, considering every-damn-thing on my page is "BraindeadRacr unlocked X-achievements!". Whaddabout some half-assed dimwitted reviews to make up for the seemingly vaporized 'follower'-base that I have left? 


Fat Princess. All that is wrong with cute, done right. This is like Mario 64-gone-to-America. Instead of saving Peach, we take her on a roadtrip past every Denny's and Burger King, see how much junk we can cram down her yapper in order to make her too heavy to be stolen by Bowser and chuck her fat ass into jail. It's strangely complicated for a game which has about as much controls as Pong; Class system that's alike to your basic World of Warcraft ideals - Warrior is close offense, Ranger is mid-offense, Mage is mid-offense slash mid-support and Priest is mid-support and a wee-bit offense. 
And there's this Worker class that's more or less a hybrid of 'em all which can build/scavenge/slow/etc, but they're more or less lemmings midway through the match. 
The story to this game is like Oprah Winfrey's life flipped backwards... When looking at it after having about fifteen bottles of grain whiskey. The princess' found cake; Ate the cake; Got addicted to cake; Now everyone wants the princess'! 
Oh, and it benefits greatly from a microphone... Which the game suffers greatly of, cause unlike the X360 where EVERY-GODDAMN-ONE has one of those things, damn near no-one has one for the PS3. I got one of 'em Bluetooth things and call me old fashioned, but I prefer the old bulky wired X360/ordinary headphone myself.

BORDERLANDS: MAD MOX... Whatever the hell her name was, bottom line it sucks -_-

Shit... screwed myself on that one, the title said it. 
Why? Well, it's a meh reason, but compare it to the Zombie Island add-on. Same price, same ideal, same... What the hell; All in all, it's Gears' Horde mode on crack. It's crazy, it's wild, it's short, and it does not fit. Wasteland survival gone Big Brother. Wasteland survival gone Horde/Survival/Firefight/Spec-Ops/all those others. It's just a little bit of a cheap shot(irony) given that Zombie Island was worth the cash... And that this one is such a rip off. 
And uhhh, I ran out of anything else to say >.> 
Adios amigos.
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Edited By BlastProcessing


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Wow, I didn't think Mad Moxxi was short at all. Took me and a friend 3 hours to get through one of the larger tournaments - not short at all, when it's so redundant and boring. WAY too long, in fact, but I guess that's just me.

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Edited By RenegadeSaint

I really should test out Fat Princess some day.  I have the mic, now I just need a sale on the game.