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Average score of 10 user reviews

SSX Review 0

SSX ReviewPros+ Unbelievably satisfying snowboarding+ Deep and varied trick and riding system+ Enough tracks to keep you coming back for months+ Online events that will make you play 'just one more time'Cons- Questionable voice acting from pilots- Characters and world lack SSX's exotic personality- Complete lack of local multiplayerStraight out of the gate let's make one thing clear. Is SSX identical to its previous incarnations? Hell no. But is it thrilling, and insane, and completely addictive...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Old school shooter, modernised, but badly broken 0

Nexuiz ReviewPros+ Old school twitch shooting - modernised+ Fast, frantic and incredibly fun (initially)+ Interesting addition of mutators+ Decent selection of mapsCons- Combat gets a bit 'samey' after awhile- Really buggy- Really really buggy- To the point of being unplayable in placesNexuiz had humble beginnings. Originally developed on a highly modified version of the Quake 1 engine, back in 2002 by a two man team; a lot has changed since then. Several million downloads later, Nexuiz is now p...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fight 'Till Dawn, feel the sunlight warm your face. 0

Alan Wake's American Nightmare ReviewPros+ Gripping arcade mode+ Interesting narrative+ Impressive mood and tone+ Amazing use of lightCons- Story makes little sense without playing Alan Wake- Questionable voice acting and animation in placesIt's been two years since we’ve seen the flashlight wielding author Alan Wake battle the darkness. Remedy and Microsoft Game Studios allow you to return to his world, this time in a smaller downloadable package for Xbox Live Arcade, in Alan Wake's American Ni...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A cute alien, that makes people explode! 0

Warp ReviewPros+ Adorably murderous protagonist+ Interesting and exciting gameplay+ Many possible play styles+ 'Bloody' and extremely satisfyingCons- Feels like the first game from the studio- Would benefit from greater scope- Overly sensitive and jerky controlsWarp, the first game from Trapdoor Inc and EA Partners, comes to Xbox Live Arcade as part of House Party. In many ways, Warp is a brilliantly bloody and cathartic start to the month-long collection. It oozes fun; from your character, with...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Oh, SoulCalibur, what have they done to you?! 0

SoulCalibur V ReviewPros+ Brilliant animation, art and combat sounds+ Expansive character creation+ Deep combatCons- Really short story and arcade modes- No guidance for new players or characters- Appalling writing and voice acting- Cheap and lazy AIOver 15 years since Namco brought Soul Edge to arcades, comes SoulCalibur V. In the same fashion of previous games, you play in the style of any one of 30 fighters, all brandishing some form of sword, axe or other significant lump of metal. SoulCalib...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

From a coffee cup to outa' space, you'll go everywhere in puddle 0

Puddle ReviewPros+ Impressive gameplay variety+ Original and creative level design+ Amazing fluid simulation+ Loads of replay valueCons- No tutorial or guidance- Poor sound and music- Can be unbelievably frustratingOriginally designed by students at ENJMIN, France, Puddle won the Student Showcase Award at the International Games Festival in 2010. This indie puzzler sees you guiding all manner fluids by tilting the world, from the content of a humble beaker to rocket fuel in the darkest reaches o...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Toy Soldiers: Cold War 0

Did you ever play with toy soldiers as a kid? Stage mock conflicts over the dinner table, and watch your little dioramas expand over your home. Maybe Toy Soldiers:Cold War; a simple, quirky, tongue-in-cheek take on the Cold War - if it were fought with miniatures and defence towers - is a game for you.Simply place one of the six towers at your disposal. Designed to cut through, aircraft, tanks or ground troops, then let your troops man the position - as you survey as a general from above - or dr...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Bastion. 0

“Proper stories are supposed to start at the beginning. Ain’t so simple with this one.Here’s a kid who’s whole world got all twisted, leaving him on a rock in the sky.He gets up.Sets off for the Bastion where everyone agreed to go in case of trouble. Ground forms up under his feat, as it point the way, he don’t stop to wonder why…”Just imagine for a second - in a deep husky voice, somewhere between; old westerner and learned documentarian - your narrator. Your companion and loyal friend in a wor...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Take one planet, add distorted beauty and bake till twisted 0

Sometimes it’s really satisfying to just play something simple. The staple of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is as blunt as that - you shoot something and it goes away - though you’ll find so much more as you pilot your ship through this strange new world. On a planet where paths are teasing and beckoning, though locked till you find the required key; be it a rotor-blade to tunnel through rock, or a missile-launcher to pry open new gates or use offensively. There is unquestionably a foundation b...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

How God looked down upon its people, and smited them with poor AI 3

So summer comes along and game developers forget gamers exist. Microsoft’s solution to this drought is Summer of Arcade. A yearly assortment of Xbox Live Arcade titles, giving you a reason not to venture outside.  Ubisoft’s, From Dust is one of these titles, the aim is simple; adventure across the land with your tribe, build settlements, avoid the elements, and move on. Each area is its own little sandbox - a little slice of island paradise - more than likely plagued with tsunamis, flash...

6 out of 8 found this review helpful.