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Bruce Reviews a Bunch of Movies.

I'm going to make this brief. These are movies that I've seen this week that you guys should probably go out and see. Most of these are on NetFlix Instant Streaming.
1. Let the Right One In (2008 Sweden): A masterpiece that is definitely up there as one of the greatest love films ever made. This film, along with Brokeback Mountain, proves that the modern love-film isn't a lost cause; when done well, it's powerful to see, especially the relationship between Oskar and Eli the Vampire in 'Let the Right One In'. Of any movie on this list, this is the one that you HAVE to see. Bruce's Score: 10/10 
2. L.I.E. (2001): Who knew that a relationship between a pederast named Big John, (Brian Cox) and a young boy named Howie Blitzer, (Paul Dano) could be so touching? With an amazing performance by Cox, and a strong debut from Dano, who would later star in 'There Will Be Blood', the film is a true showcasing of originality, albeit with some rough subject matter. It's an interesting Indie drama that transcends a simple art-house label. Bruce's Score: 9/10 
3. Modify (2005): This Documentary covers body modifcation, and some of its history, but more so the focus is placed on the people and their reasoning behind their various modifications. It's VERY graphic, depicting everything from plastic surgeries, a sex change operation, to a man giving himself a genital piercing ON CAMERA. Casual Tattoo enthusiasts such as myself, well, there really isn't any reason to see this film, although it is well made. Bruce's Score: 7/10 
4. Evil (2003 Sweden): Another Swedish movie, YAY! This film was actually nominated for Best Foreign Picture in 2003; it should have won. The film is basically Bully the game, on film. Erik is a fighter, with an abusive step-father. His mother chooses to send him to a boarding school so that he can have one last chance at getting into a decent college. At the boarding school, Erik befriends Pierre, and tries to rebel against the unfair treatment by the school's 'upper-class' students, who rule the school, even to the extent of forcing students into 2-1 fights in a 'ring' if they disobey them. I really enjoyed this movie. Bruce's Score: 9.5/10 
5. 500 Days of Summer (2009): Zooey DeChanel reminded me of my ex-girlfriend and can fuck off for doing so. But's a great movie, I guess >_> Seriously, both of my friends noticed my pissed-off-ness while watching the last hour of this film. Bruce's Score: 9/10 
6. Bible Camp (2006): A disturbing documentary that shows children being brainwashed into metaphorical foot-soldiers by conservative christians at a chuch-camp. The images are fairly hard to watch, especially the cute and innocent, freckled ten year-old girl who believes that the harder she prays, the more her dead father will be able to hear her. I didn't gain a whole lot out of watching this. Bruce's Score: 5/10 (EDIT: Saw this one last month actually, sorry for the confusion.)
7. Inglorious Basterds (2009): I saw this one today, it was alright, but here's my problem: BRAD PITT'S CHARACTER IS COMPLETELY OUT OF PLACE AND FAILS -- with the exception of one scene, which is hilarious -- TO PROVIDE THE COMIC RELIEF THAT HIS CHARACTER WAS WRITTEN FOR. Seriously, Basterds could have been a completely serious movie, but the absurd nature of the Basterds themselves lent it to some awkward moments of parody that were not needed. Christoph Waltz delivers a great performance, expect an Oscar Nom for him, and maybe for Tarantino's writing. Bruce's Score: 7.5/10 
Trailers I've Seen: 
- The New Scorsese Movie  
Much like Brad Pitt, Leo is trying too hard to do a performance with a dialect, and therefore sounds completely foolish. However, this ensemble cast is too fucking talented for this movie to not be worth seeing. 
- The Wolf Man, starring Benicio Del Toro 
Finally, this guy plays a werewolf. Looks fairly generic, the exception being the cinematography, which looks fanastic. Although, it does have Anthony Hopkins.
- 2012 
 As if it wasn't bad enough, film makers have decided that 'The Day After Tomorrow' needs a sequel that is even more horrible in its depiction of our Earth being destroyed. Seriously, there is no fucking reason for this film to be seen, unless you've been on MonsterQuest as an expert Cryptozoologist, looking for Big Foot; and if so, FUCK OFF! 
Well, that's it for this one folks. These are all movies that I've seen this week, so expect some more reviews next week. I'm not going to go in-depth similar to the music reviews, because I'm not a fan of writing about film; it always turns to hyperbole and romancing the films I love, while trashing the ones that I don't. But I can't stress this enough, PLEASE go out and watch 'Let the Right One In'.