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  • cadillactica followed Kerbal: Project B.E.A.S.T .
  • cadillactica followed Giant Bomb Crime Crew .
  • cadillactica posted a message on the post The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

    10 years! I remember being so excited to get this game because Oblivion was the first western RPG I had played and I loved that game. When 11/11/11 came around, I spent like 3 hours just waiting to he...

  • cadillactica followed Mass Alex .
  • cadillactica posted a message on the post Phalanx For the Lovely Knight - Borne to Run #02.

    Damn, the last 15 minutes was enthralling. Having never played the game, I honestly didn't think Danny was gonna get so close but he picked it up quickly!