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Former SC fans are really upset that you can't drag lifeless bodies? Really? Why is there so much trash talking for the removal of the more tedious aspects of SC? I saw one person complain that you can't pick up soda cans or whistle anymore. And then complain about the "stupid AI." Let's be real here: 
 If you see a soda can come flying out of a dark corner, or head a weird sounding whistle that could not possibly be a bird, as a soldier, merc, terrorist, whatever- would you really just go investigate on your own? 
     If stealth games were as realistic as everyone wanted them to be, they wouldn't be games or fun, for that matter. They'd be simulations. Tedious, grinding, frustrating and boring simulations. I, for one, am glad Ubi Montreal focused on making this game more fun and fantasy oriented. Chaos Theory was excellent, don't get me wrong- but did anyone care about the story or even the main character across any of the earlier entires? My guess is hardly. And 2 of the early SC games were completely ruined by Ubi's black sheep- Ubisoft Shanghai. Of course I'm talking about Pandora Tomorrow and Double Agent. 
It's just a sad thing to see gamers get so jaded about some of their games being more accessible or fun.
 And you CAN move bodies- you just do it in a context that makes much more sense. When they're standing and when they're not dead weight. That's how I'd do it in real-life.... *snicker*