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The Splinter Cell Series and You (or me, really)

  So today marks the second time I will be buying an Xbox 360... for a Splinter Cell game. And the third time I will be buying a console for one. You could say that SC and I are old pals.  
The first Xbox didn't really do anything for me until SC was announced. I loved stealth games and this had more of a realistic, tactical edge to it. And at the time, the graphics were mind-blowing. Game was awesome, needless to day, played it over and over, yadda yadda. Second gets devved by Ubisoft Shanghai, and I am less than impressed. Chaos Theory is awesome, devved by Ubi Montreal of course, and I love it. To this day. 
As time goes by, the 360 comes out, and Double Agent is announced. I get excited and by a 360 in anticipation. I find out that it's being developed by Shanghai. Dammit. Enthusiasm drops from 11 to a 7. I get it. I play it on a rent. Meh.  
So when the first screens of Conviction come out with Sam looking like a freshly-minted hobo, I take a look at the article in GI. I read about how he can throw tables and chairs, and Washington DC, etc. I roll my eyes, throw magazine away.
Fast-forward to E3 '09 and the "new" Conviction. I am astonished. Completely speechless. Almost a year later, I demo it on a friend's 360. 
Today I traded in my PS3.  
Tomorrow I'm getting a 360 and a copy of Conviction. 