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GOTY 2019

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  • Furi was my game of the year back in 2016, Sekiro is basically a fully 3D version of Furi. A combat system that rewards defense almost more than offense is truly impressive to me. Nailing the parry timing and being rewarded with posture damage, eventually leading to the death blow, never got old for me. Every boss fight in this game that were just another skilled guy with a sword were some of the most fun I had in any game this year. And since you couldn't just level up or out-gear any opponent every victory was based purely on skill.

  • This game was actually on my list last year, after only playing one episode, which you could say was a little presumptuous of me, but I don't care. I love the Life is Strange franchise and 2 really blew me away. Life is Strange 2 tackles some tough issues right from the first episode and it never strays away from the truth of their subject matter. Playing as two Mexican-American boys on the run from the law includes every awful encounter with other "Americans" that one would expect given our current time and place.

    But the real standout of LiS 2 for me is Sean. I love Sean so much. He is now one of my favorite characters in video games, period. Sean goes through hell over the course of the 5 episodes, all to protect his little brother Daniel. The utter strength and resolve on display from Sean is something I will never forget, and he doesn't let any of the awful stuff that happens break him. Sean has one mission in life over these games, and that's keep Daniel safe. And, no spoilers, but the ending I got crushed me, and felt absolutely like the perfect ending to my version of the story.

    They may not be perfect games, 2 has some pretty severe slow parts in some episodes, I can't lie. There are times where a lot of people will probably call this game boring. But none of that diminished what I took away overall. Everyone should play Life is Strange, there's truly nothing else like it in games.

  • What an incredible remake this is! Capcom somehow managed to perfectly capture what was cool about Resident Evil 2 while modernizing almost everything. From the controls to the fantastic map screen, playing RE2 is super fun. I really loved my time playing through the Leon route the first time, and I hope to go back and play Claire's at some point.

    RE2 remake is great.